Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Corps of Engineers)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A history of the Savannah District, 1829-1968 / 1968
A review of recent United States Army Corps of Engineers chief's reports and post-authorization change reports : hearing before the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, second session, April 29, 2014. 2014
A study of library users' needs in the Savannah District, Corps of Engineers : final report / 1969
Adaptive management for water resources project planning / 2004
America's wetlands : our vital link between land and water. 1988
An examination of proposed environmental regulation's impacts on America's small businesses : hearing before the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, first session, May 19, 2015. 2017
An introduction to risk and uncertainty in the evaluation of environmental investments / 1996
Analysis of environmental statements for Corps of Engineers' water projects : a report / 1972
Analytical methods and approaches for water resources project planning 2004
Analytical methods and approaches for water resources project planning [electronic resource] / 2004
Army Corps of Engineers : history of the Lake Pontchartrain and vincinity {sic vicinity} hurricane protection projects / 2005
Baltimore engineers and the Chesapeake Bay, 1961-1987 1988
Better procedures needed for inspections at sewage treatment construction projects : report to the Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency 1983
Can organizations change? : Environmental protection, citizen participation, and the Corps of Engineers / 1979
Clarification of policy regarding work assignments to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 1995
Conventional wisdom plus a new philosophy : Corps of Engineers water resources planning. 1974
Corps and the shore 1996
Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program directory 1995
Corps' Environmental Effects of Dredging Programs 1988
Cost Estimating Systems for Remedial Action Projects. 1991
Directory of technology support services to brownfields localities / 1999
Dredge and Fill Activities in Galveston Bay. 1993
Dredge Disposal Study, San Francisco Bay and Estuary. Appendix N. Addendum. 1978
Dredge Disposal Study. San Francisco Bay and Estuary. Appendix B. Pollutent Distribution Study. 1979
Drying out : wetlands opened for development by U.S. Supreme Court and U.S. Army Corps / 2005
Effect of NEPA on Corps studies and projects : (Civil Works) 1970 through 1980. 1981
Energy and water development appropriations bill, 2022 : report (to accompany S. 2605). 2021
Engineering a victory for our environment : a citizens' guide to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers / 1971
Engineering a Victory for Our Environment: A Citizens' Guide to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1971
Engineering and design : hydrologic frequency analysis. 1993
Engineering and design : reservoir water quality analysis. 1987
Engineering and design. Construction with large stone. 1990
Engineering regulation 1105-2-100 : planning : planning guidance notebook. 2000
Environmental & water quality operational studies : information exchange bulletin / 1984
Environmental Crisis in the Gulf. The U.S. Response. 1992
EPA Should Strengthen Records Management on Clean Water Act Section 404 Permit Notification Reviews for Surface Coal Mining. 2012
EPA/U.S. Army Corps of Engineers payment process, direct cite/revised reimbursement methods. 1990
EPA/USACE Payment Process: Direct Cite/Revised Reimbursement Methods. 1990
Evaluation of dredged material proposed for ocean disposal (testing manual) / 1991
Extended aeration sewage treatment on U.S. Corps of Engineers dredges / 1969
Federal Register: Tuesday, January 15, 2002: Part II, Department of Defense, Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Issuance of Nationwide Permits; Notice 2002
Guidelines for Overviewing Construction Grant Activities Conducted under the Interagency Agreement with the Corps of Engineers. 1984
History of the Mobile District 1815 to 1971 1975
How Wetlands are Defined and Identified 1995
Improved planning needed by the Corps of Engineers to resolve environmental, technical, and financial issues on the Lake Pontchartrain Hurricane Protection Project : report to the Secretary of the Army / 1982
Interagency agreement between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in executing P.L. 96-510, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA). 1984
Long-range science and technology plan. 1989
Methods for assessing the chronic toxicity of marine and extuarine sediment-associated contaminants with the amphipod Leptocheirus plumulosus / 2001
Monitoring well design, installation, and documentation at hazardous, toxic, and radioactive waste sites. 1998
Moving mountains : how one woman and her community won justice from big coal / 2007
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