Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 52
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Select Item Title Year Published
An update of the economic impact of ASARCO operations on employment, local business, and tax revenues in the Tacoma, Washington area. 1984
Assessment of the use of fugitive emission control devices / 1979
At work in copper : occupational health and safety in copper smelting 1979
Before the Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. : in the matter of proposed rule making concerning national ambient air quality standards : comments of Kennecott Copper Corporation. 1972
Chemistry and visual impact of the plumes from the Four Corners power plant and San Manuel copper smelter / 1984
Continuing analysis of multipoint rollback as applied to copper smelters in the state of Arizona / 1980
Copper recovery : a technological and economic study / 1986
Copper recovery : a technological and economic study {Microfiche}/ 1986
Cost estimates of upgrading particulate matter controls on copper smelter reverberatory furnaces / 1977
Countdown Acid Rain summary and analysis of the ... progress reports by Ontario's four major sources of sulphur dioxide. 1986
Decapage de fil en continu a l'alcool = Pickling of copper wire with alcohol / 1982
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the copper forming point source category. 1982
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the copper forming point source category. 1985
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the secondary copper subcategory of the copper segment of the nonferrous metals manufacturing point source category. 1974
Economic effects of pollution controls on the nonferrous metals industry : copper / 1971
Economic impact analysis for the final primary copper smelting NESHAP. 2000
Economic impact analysis for the proposed primary copper smelting NESHAP. 1997
Economic impact analysis of effluent limitations and standards for the copper forming industry / 1983
Economic impact analysis of effluent limitations and standards for the copper forming industry / 1982
Economic impact analysis of effluent limitations and standards for the copper forming industry / 1982
Economic impact of anticipated pollution abatement costs on the primary copper industry : report to Environmental Protection Agency. 1972
Economic impact of environmental regulations on the U.S. copper industry : draft report. 1976
Economic impact of environmental regulations on the United States copper industry / 1978
Emission factors and emission source information for primary and secondary copper smelters / 1977
Environmental assessment of the domestic primary copper, lead and zinc industries / 1976
Environmental assessment of the domestic primary copper, lead and zinc industries / 1978
Environmental assessment of the domestic primary copper, lead and zinc industries : executive summary / 1976
Environmental considerations for emerging copper winning processes / 1982
Environmental considerations for emerging copper-winning processes / 1982
Evaluation of an electrostatic precipitator for control of emissions from a copper smelter reverberatory furnace / 1980
Evaluation of the Hoboken converter at Glogow, Poland / 1980
Heavy-metal accumulation in soil and vegetation from smelter emissions / 1974
Hypothesis development protocol : diseases associated with copper smelting / 1977
Industrial process profiles for environmental use / 1980
Industrial process profiles for environmental use : chapter 29 : primary copper industry / 1980
Investigation of selected correlations between industrial activity and community disease / 1978
Investigation of selected correlations between industrial activity and community disease : draft final report / 1978
Marine environmental assessment of mine waste disposal into Rupert Inlet, British Columbia 1977
Smoke wars : Anaconda Copper, Montana air pollution, and the courts, 1890-1924 / 2000
Source category survey : secondary copper smelting and refining industry / 1980
State implementation plan inspection of Inspiration Consolidated Copper Company Inspiration Smelter : Inspiration, Arizona / 1976
State implementation plan inspection of Kennecott Copper Corporation Ray Mines division smelter : Hayden, Arizona / 1976
State implementation plan inspection of Phelps Dodge corporation Morenci branch smelter : Morenci, Arizona / 1976
State Implementation Plan Inspection of Phelps Dodge Corporation New Cornelia Branch Smelter : Ajo, Arizona / 1976
State implementation plan inspection of Phelps Dodge reduction works smelter : Douglas, Arizona. / 1976
State implementation plan inspection of San Manuel division smelter Magma Copper company : San Manuel, Arizona / 1976
Theoretical and empirical evaluation of multipoint rollback as applied to smelters in the Hayden, Arizona area / 1979
Torch Lake : making modern history / 2004
Torch Lake : making modern history / 2004
Torch Lake making modern history / [CD-ROM] : 2004
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