Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Convection)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A non-linear spectral model of convection in a fluid unevenly heated from below / 1966
AERMOD: A Dispersion Model for Industrial Source Applications. 1994
Air pollution of climatology around an isolated point source using convective scaling parameters / 1988
Air pollution transport in street canyons / 1973
Analytical Parameterizations of Diffusion: The Convective Boundary Layer. 1985
Application of the Urbanized Version of MM5 for Houston. 2003
Bomex Bulletin, No. 8. 1970
Characteristics of Vertical Turbulent Velocities in the Urban Convective Boundary Layer. 1986
Characterizing the Dispersive State of Convective Boundary Layers for Applied Dispersion Modeling. 1990
CHEMFLO : one-dimensional water and chemical movement in unsaturated soils / 1989
Convection Tank Experiments on Top-Down, Bottom-Up Diffusion. 1994
Convective Diffusion Field Measurements Compared with Laboratory and Numerical Experiments. 1986
Convective heat and mass transfer from water surfaces 1971
Convective Heat and Mass Transfer from Water Surfaces. 1971
Convective motions in a free atmosphere 1964
CTDMPLUS: A Dispersion Model for Sources Near Complex Topography. Part 1. Technical Formulations. 1992
Current Progress in the AERMIC Model Development Program. 1996
Detection of Centripetal Heat-Island Circulations from Tower Data in St. Louis. 1978
Determination of cloud parameters for NEROS II from digital satellite data / 1984
Development and observational verification of a cumulus cloud parameterization / 1980
Diffusion Modeling with Convective Scaling and Effects of Surface Inhomogeneities. 1984
Dispersion in Complex Terrain: A Summary of the AMS (American Meteorological Society) Workshop Held in Keystone, Colorado, 17-20 May 1983 (Journal Version). 1986
Estimation of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Parameters for Diffusion Applications. 1985
Final Results of the Condors Convective Diffusion Experiment. 1993
Finite-Element Analysis of Multiphase Immiscible Flow through Soils. 1987
Fiscal year 1991 summary report of NOAA atmospheric sciences modeling division support to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1992
Flow and Dispersion of Pollutants within Two-Dimensional Valleys. 1990
Further case studies on the impact of mesoscale convective systems on regional ozone and haze distributions / 1986
Heat transfer 1993
Impact of Mesoscale Convective Systems on Regional Visibility and Oxidant Distributions during Persistent Elevated Pollution Episodes. 1986
Interim User's Guide to the RADM Scavenging Module Version 1.0. 1986
Laboratory Experiments on Diffusion: The Use of Convective Mixed-Layer Scaling. 1985
Laboratory Model of Diffusion in the Convective Boundary Layer. 1997
Laboratory Simulation of Turbulent Convection Over an Urban Heat Island. 1992
Lidar Observations of Mixed Layer Dynamics: Tests of Parameterized Entrainment Models of Mixed Layer Growth Rate. 1984
Model for Chlorine Concentration Decay in Pipes. 1993
Models and Laboratory Experiments of Buoyant Puff Dispersion in a Convective Boundary Layer. 1997
Moderately Stable Flow Over a Three-Dimensional Hill: A Comparison of Linear Theory with Laboratory Measurements. 1991
Multi-Stream Model for Vertical Mixing of a Passive Tracer in the Convective Boundary Layer. 1999
Natural convection in porous media presented at the AIAA/ASME 4th Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, June 2-4, 1986 / 1986
Non-Local Closure Model for Vertical Mixing in the Convective Boundary Layer. 1993
Observations of Transport of Trace Gases by Vigorous Convective Clouds. 1992
One-dimensional numerical model to study the effects of cumulus clouds on the environment, 1972
Pacific Ocean Influence Upon California Rainfall. 1970
Parametric methodologies of cloud vertical transport for acid deposition models / 1988
Parametric Model for Constitutive Properties Governing Multiphase Flow in Porous Media. 1987
Part I. Controlling the Soil Moisture Environment of Transpiring Plants. Part II. Prediction of Leaf Temperature Under Natural Atmospheric Conditions. 1970
Plume dispersion in the convective boundary layer. Part 1 : CONDORS field experiment and example / 1988
Plume Dispersion in the Convective Boundary Layer. Part 2. Analyses of CONDORS Field Experiment Data. 1993
Prediction of vertical transport of low-level radioactive Middlesex soil at a deep-ocean disposal site / 1986
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