Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 126
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Controle)

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Select Item Title Year Published
2-Furaldehyde / 2000
A general framework for corrosion control based on utility experience / 1997
A vast machine : computer models, climate data, and the politics of global warming / 2010
Accreditation and quality assurance in analytical chemistry / 1996
Acrolein / 2002
Acrylonitrile / 2002
Advances in insect population control by the sterile-male technique : report of a panel held in Vienna, 20-24 July 1964 / 1965
Air and water pollution; proceedings of the summer workshop, August 3 to August 15, 1970, University of Colorado. 1972
Air contaminants and industrial hygiene ventilation : a handbook of practical calculations, problems, and solutions / 1998
Air pollution / 1976
Air pollution control : equipment, inspection and maintenance, fuels, management ; papers from the 85th Annual Meeting and Exhibition / 1992
Air pollution control and design handbook / 1977
Air pollution control technology handbook / 2002
Air pollution engineering manual. 1967
Air pollution in Donora, Pa., epidemiology of the unusual smog episode of Oct. 1948; 1949
American hazardscapes : the regionalization of hazards and disasters / 2001
Analytical method development and validation / 1997
Assessing organizational communication : strategic communication audits / 2004
Assessment and remediation of petroleum contaminated sites / 1994
Avoiding dangerous climate change / 2006
Barrier systems for environmental contaminant containment and treatment / 2006
Bentonite, kaolin, and selected clay minerals / 2005
Biomarkers in cancer chemoprevention / 2001
Biorational pest control agents : formulation and delivery / 1995
Bioremediation of petroleum contaminated sites / 1992
Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories / 1984
Bromoethane / 2002
Cleaning our environment, the chemical basis for action : a report / 1969
Climate capitalism : global warming and the transformation of the global economy / 2010
Climate change 2013 : the physical science basis : Working Group I contribution to the Fifth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / 2014
Combustion-generated air pollution : a short course on Combustion-Generated Air Pollution held at the University of California, Berkeley, September 22-26, 1969 / 1971
Contaminant hydrogeology / 1992
Control of communicable diseases manual : an official report of the American Public Health Association / 2000
Cost estimator's reference manual / 1995
Costs of air pollution control : analyses of emission control options for ozone abatement strategies / 2005
Current methodology for the control of algae in surface reservoirs / 1987
Data quality : the field guide / 2001
Delivering quality service : balancing customer perceptions and expectations / 1990
Description and sampling of contaminated soils : a field guide / 1994
Economic aspects of international chemicals control. 1983
Ecosystems : balancing science with management / 1997
Ensuring safe food : from production to consumption / 1998
Environmental management : problems and solutions / 1998
Environmental policy and impact assessment in Japan / 1991
Environmental remediation : removing organic and metal ion pollutants : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Inc., at the 201st National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlanta, Georgia, April 14-19, 1991 / 1992
Epigenetics in cancer prevention : early detection and risk assessment / 2003
Food analysis 1998
Future of Jamaica Bay. 1938
Good laboratory practice standards : applications for field and laboratory studies / 1992
Good laboratory practices : an agrochemical perspective : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Agrochemicals at the 194th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 30-September 4, 1987 / 1988
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