Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 41
Showing: Items 1 - 41
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Contract management)

Select Item Title Year Published
Compendium of Superfund Quick Reference Fact Sheets, FY 1989-1992. 1992
Construction grants process for state agency personnel course 250.2 / student manual. 1981
Cost management manual for the Superfund remedial and enforcement programs / 1994
Ensuring the adequacy of cost share provisions in superfund state contracts. 1993
EPA Superfund Program Policies and Administration. 1997
EPA Superfund Program Policies and Administration. 1998
EPA Superfund Program Policies and Administration. 2001
EPA Superfund Program Policies and Administration. 1999
Expediting Remedial Construction. 1989
General Enforcement Policy Compendium. Volume 1. 1994
Inorganic Contract Compliance Screening System (ICCSS) Software (ILM02.1 Version 4) (for Microcomputers). 1994
Inorganic Contract Compliance Screening System (ICCSS) Software (ILM02.1 Version 5) (for Microcomputers). 1994
Long-term contracting strategy for Superfund -- implementation update. 1995
Obligation of funds under superfund state contracts. 1993
Organic Contract Compliance Screening System (OCCSS) Software (OLM01.8 Version 5) (for Microcomputers). 1993
Organic Contract Compliance Screening System (OCCSS) Software (OLM01.8 Version 6) (for Microcomputers). 1994
Organic Contract Compliance Screening System (OCCSS) Software (OLM01.8 Version 7) (for Microcomputers). 1994
Procedure for use of USACE preplace contracts to expedite Superfund cleanup tasks / 1994
Progress toward implementing Superfund, fiscal year 1992 : report to Congress. 1997
Progress toward implementing Superfund, fiscal year 1993 : report to Congress. 1997
Progress toward implementing Superfund, fiscal year 1994 : report to Congress. 1997
Progress Toward Implementing Superfund: Fiscal Year 1995 Report to Congress. 2000
Progress Toward Implementing Superfund: Fiscal Year 1996 Report to Congress. 2000
Progress Toward Implementing Superfund: Fiscal Year 1997 Report to Congress. 2000
RCRA, Superfund and EPCRA Hotline Training Module. Introduction to: The Superfund Response Program (Updated February 1998). 1998
RCRA, Superfund and EPCRA Hotline Training Module. Introduction to: The Superfund Response Program. 1997
Required contracts management training for regional superfund personnel. 1992
Residential paper recovery : a municipal implementation guide / 1975
Resource recovery plant implementation : guides for municipal officials : interim report / 1975
Resource Recovery Plant Implementation: Guides for Municipal Officials, Procurement. 1976
Resource Recovery Plant Implementation: Guides for Municipal Officials, Risks and Contracts. 1976
Response Action Contract (RAC) users' guide : volume 1 : reference guide / 1995
Response Action Contract (RAC) users' guide : volume 2 : process guide / 1995
Response Action Contract (RAC) Users' Guide. Appendix G: Model Statements of Work. 1995
Solid waste contract negotiation handbook / 1992
Superfund administrative improvements : reinventing Superfund. 1993
Superfund revitalization : measures of success. 1994
Superfund Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) handbook : procurement--using TAG funds. 1994
Technical assistance team (TAT) contracts users' manual. 1991
Technical assistance team (TAT) contracts users' manual. 1987
USACE preplaced and rapid response contracts. 1989

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