Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 17
Showing: Items 1 - 17
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Contaminated sediments Management)

Select Item Title Year Published
Contaminated sediments : characterization, evaluation, mitigation/restoration, and management strategy performance / 2003
Contaminated sediments : evaluation and remediation techniques / 2006
Contaminated sediments in ports and waterways : cleanup strategies and technologies / 1997
Deciding when to intervene : data interpretation tools for making sediment management decisions beyond source control / 1999
Demonstration bulletin : electrochemical remediation technologies (ECRTs). 2004
Dredging, remediation, and containment of contaminated sediments 1995
Environmental dredging / 2001
EPA can better implement its strategy for managing contaminated sediments. 2006
EPA's contaminated sediment management strategy / 1994
First International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, Venice, October 10-12, 2001 2002
Forum on the extent and severity of contaminated sediments : Holiday Inn - Mart Plaza, Chicago, Illinois, April 21-22, 1992. 1992
Maintaining access to America's intermodal ports/technologies for decontamination of dredged sediment 1999
National Conference on Management and Treatment of Contaminated Sediments : proceedings, Cincinnati, OH, May 13-14-1997 / 1998
Remediation of contaminated sediments--2007 proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments : January 22-25, 2007, Savannah, Georgia / {electronic resource} : 2007
Remediation of the Black Lagoon, Trenton, Michigan : Great Lakes Legacy Program / 2009
Removal and mitigation of contaminated sediments 1985
Sediments contamination and sustainable remediation / 2010

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