Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Consumer protection)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Annual report for ... / 0
Assessing the Environmental Consumer Market. 1991
Assessment of non-occupational exposure to chemicals. 1994
Compilation of selected acts within the jurisdiction of the Committee on Commerce : consumer protection law : including Federal Hazardous Substances Act ... / 1995
Compilation of selected acts within the jurisdiction of the Committee on Commerce. including Federal Hazardous Substances Act, Fair Packaging and Labeling Act ... Consumer protection law : 1995
Compilation of selected acts within the jurisdiction of the Committee on Energy and Commerce 1985
Compilation of selected acts within the jurisdiction of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce : prepared for the use of the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. 1975
Compilation of selected acts within the jurisdiction of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce : prepared for the use of the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. 1978
Compilation of selected acts within the jurisdiction of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce : prepared for the use of the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. 1977
Compilation of selected acts within the jurisdiction of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. prepared for the use of the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Volume IV, Consumer protection law, including Federal Hazardous Substances Act, Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, Poison Prevention Packaging Act, Flammable Fabrics Act, Consumer Products Safety Act, Federal Caustic Poison Act, Magnuson-Moss Warranty--Federal Trade Commission Improvement Act, Federal Trade Commission Act, Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act, National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966, Refrigerator Safety Act : 1977
Compliance orientation program : Consumer Product Safety Commission, Food and Drug Administration, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Environmental Protection Agency : student manual / 1978
Consolidated list of products whose consumption and/or sale have been banned, withdrawn, severely restricted or not approved by governments prepared in accordance with General Assembly resolutions 37/137, 38/149, and 39/229. 1987
Consolidated list of products whose consumption and/or sale have been banned, withdrawn, severely restricted or not approved by governments. 1991
Consolidated list of products whose consumption and/or sale have been banned, withdrawn, severely restricted or not approved by governments. 1994
Consumer action handbook. 2000
Consumer health and product hazards / 1974
Consumer policy in OECD countries. 1983
Consumer sourcebook. 1974
Consumer's resource handbook 1982
Consumer's resource handbook / 1979
Consumer's resource handbook / 1984
Dioxane in Cosmetic Preparations with Cover Letter dated 09/16/88. 1988
Directory of consumer protection and environmental agencies. 1973
Essential environments : discover how to create healthy living spaces / 2004
Evaluation of environmental marketing terms in the United States, February 5, 1993 1993
Examining the public health risks of carcinogens in consumer products : hearing before the Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixteenth Congress, first session, March 12, 2019. 2019
Fact sheet / Environmental messages in the marketplace. 1993
Fair credit reporting act : 15 U.S.C (S) 1681. 2018
FDA consumer. 1972
For Your Information: Consumer Products Treated with Pesticides 1998
Gasoline marketing : states' programs for pump labeling of gasoline ingredients : report to the chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Power, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1989
Guidance on I/M public awareness budgets / 1981
High and mighty : SUVs-- the world's most dangerous vehicles and how they got that way / 2002
Lawn care pesticides white paper : EPA summary of Lawn Care Pesticides Advisory Committee discussions. 1993
Learning about risk : consumer and worker responses to hazard information 1987
New Source Reduction Project: The Potential for Safe Substitutes. 1990
Office of Pesticide Programs annual report for ... [electronic resource]. 0
Pennsylvania health. 1975
Pesticides: actions needed to protect the consumer from defective products; report to the Congress [on the] Environmental Protection Agency, 1974
Priceless : on knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing / 2004
Product labeling and health risks 1980
RadTown USA : Dental X-Ray. 2007
Regulatory analysis supporting the general provisions for product noise labeling. 1979
Relationship between potential tort liability and product testing : review of cases and materials on the common law duty to test 1982
Safe Drinking Water Hotline Fiscal Year 2002 Annual Report, October 2001-September 2002. 2002
Safe Drinking Water Hotline Fiscal Year 2004 Annual Report, October 2003-September 2004. 2004
Safe Drinking Water Hotline. Fiscal Year 2003, Annual Report. 2003
The consumer action handbook. 2001
The consumer information catalog. 1977
The consumer's guide to safe drinking water. 2001
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