Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 10
Showing: Items 1 - 10
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Conservation easements)

Select Item Title Year Published
Conservation Easement Outreach Project. Final Report. 2004
Conservation easement stewardship guide : designing, monitoring, and enforcing easements / 1991
Conserving land in King County : a landowner's guide / 1996
Final Report to the Newfields Conservation Commission Conservation Easement Stewardship and Monitoring and Assessment of Newfields Conservation Lands and Other Open Spaces. 2009
Incorporating flexibility into conservation easements. 2008
New federal funding for land acquisition and conservation easements. 1997
Protecting the land : conservation easements past, present, and future / 2000
Stewardship Plan for Four Conservation Easements Held by the Town of Newfields, NH in Partial Fulfillment of a Grant from the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2006
The conservation easement handbook / 2005
Water rights handbook for Colorado conservation professionals / 2011

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