Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 31
Showing: Items 1 - 31
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Conservation des ressources)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Sand County almanac : with essays on conservation / 2001
Applying nature's design : corridors as a strategy for biodiversity conservation / 2006
Beetles in conservation / 2010
Biodiversity, conservation, and sustainable development : principles and practices with Asian examples / 1999
Conservation reconsidered : nature, virtue, and American liberal democracy / 2000
Conservation science and action / 1998
Conserving nature's diversity : insights from biology, ethics and economics / 2000
Directory of Illinois forestry and conservation assistance programs 1972
Focus on environmental geology : a collection of case histories and readings from original sources / 1976
Global biodiversity : status of the earth's living resources : a report / 1992
Global marine biological diversity : a strategy for building conservation into decision making / 1993
High-latitude rainforests and associated ecosystems of the west coast of the Americas : climate, hydrology, ecology, and conservation / 1996
Integrating landscape ecology into natural resource management / 2002
King of fish : the thousand-year run of salmon / 2003
Landscape restoration handbook / 1999
Large marine ecosystems : stress, mitigation, and sustainability / 1993
Marine environment law in the United Nations Environment Programme 1988
Paper cuts : recovering the paper landscape / 1999
Seagrass status and trends in the northern Gulf of Mexico, 1940-2002 / 2007
Species conservation and management : case studies / 2004
Status and conservation of midwestern amphibians / 1998
Sustainable energy--without the hot air / 2009
Sustaining life : how human health depends on biodiversity / 2008
The Atlas of Global Conservation : Changes, Challenges, and Opportunities to Make a Difference / 2010
The contingent valuation of environmental resources : methodological issues and research needs / 1996
The sacred balance : rediscovering our place in nature / 1999
The watershed project management guide / 2003
Turtle conservation / 2000
Wildlife issues in a changing world / 1999
World atlas of biodiversity : earth's living resources in the 21st century / 2002
World directory of environmental organizations : a handbook of national and international organizations and programs--governmental and non-governmental--concerned with protecting the earth's resources / 2001

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