Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Acute effects on health of smog episodes : report on a WHO meeting, ®s Hertogenbosch, Netherlands, 30 October-2 November 1990 / 1992
Aerosols, anthropogenic and natural, sources and transport / 1980
African biogeography, climate change & human evolution / 1999
Agricultural ecosystem effects on trace gases and global climate change : proceedings of a symposium / 1993
Air pollution modeling and its application X / 1994
Air pollution modeling and its application XI / 1996
Aquatic chemistry : interfacial and interspecies processes / 1995
Aquatic microbiology / 1977
Aquatic pollutants and biologic effects, with emphasis on neoplasia / 1977
Atmospheric aerosols : characterization, chemistry, modeling, and climate / 2009
Biological monitoring of toxic metals / 1988
Biological problems in water pollution : transactions of a seminar on biological problems in water pollution held at the Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, Cincinnati, Ohio April 23-27, 1956 / 1957
Bioremediation of metals and inorganic compounds / 1999
Chemical equilibrium and reaction models / 1995
Chemical mobility and reactivity in soil systems : proceedings of a symposium / 1983
Chemically induced alterations in functional development and reproduction of fishes : proceedings from a session at the Wingspread Conference Center, 21-23 July 1995, Racine, Wisconsin / 1997
Chemistry for the protection of the environment / 1991
Chlorodioxins--origin and fate / 1973
Coastal Dynamics '97 : conference proceedings / 1998
Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment : municipal, industrial, and agricultural / 1989
Development of new diesel engines and components design. 1997
Echinoderms 2000 : proceedings of the 10th international conference, Dunedin, 31 January-4 February 2000 / 2001
Ecological integrity and the management of ecosystems / 1993
Effects of watershed changes on streamflow. 1969
Electronic diesel and gasoline fuel injection technology. 1998
Element-specific chromatographic detection by atomic emission spectroscopy : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Analytical Chemistry at the 199th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, April 22-27, 1990 / 1992
Environment, cognition, and action : an integrated approach / 1991
Environmental bioassay techniques and their application : proceedings of the 1st international conference held in Lancaster, England, 11-14 July 1988 / 1989
Environmental chemistry of lakes and reservoirs / 1994
Environmental epidemiology / 1986
Environmental hormones : the scientific basis of endocrine disruption / 2001
Environmental immunochemical methods : perspectives and applications : developed from a symposium sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at the National Immunochemistry Summit IV, Las Vegas, Nevada, August 2-3, 1995 / 1996
Epigenetics in cancer prevention : early detection and risk assessment / 2003
Evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants : sixty-first report of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. 2004
Exchange of trace gases between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere : report of the Dahlem Workshop on Exchange of Trace Gases between Terrestrial Ecosystems and the Atmosphere, Berlin 1989, February 19-24 / 1989
Fate and effects of sediment-bound chemicals in aquatic systems : proceedings of the Sixth Pellston Workshop, Florissant, Colorado, August 12-17, 1984 / 1987
Fish in research / 1969
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in colloid and interface science : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry of the American Chemical Society at the 199th National Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, April 22-27, 1990 / 1990
Fuel alternatives for spark ignition and diesel engines. 1983
Gaseous fuels : technology, performance, and emissions. 1989
Gaseous fuels for engines. 1991
Gene therapy for neoplastic diseases / 1994
Glucocorticoid action : basic and clinical implications / 2004
Good laboratory practices : an agrochemical perspective : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Agrochemicals at the 194th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 30-September 4, 1987 / 1988
Groundwater residue sampling design / 1991
Handbook of vadose zone characterization & monitoring / 1995
Hazardous and industrial wastes : proceedings of the Twenty-sixth Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference : [August 7-10, 1994, University of Delaware, Newark, DE] / 1994
Immunochemical methods for environmental analysis : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Agrochemicals at the 198th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Miami Beach, Florida, September 10-15, 1989 / 1990
Integrating impact assessment into LCA : [proceedings] / 1994
Integrating sustainable agriculture, ecology, and environmental policy / 1992
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