Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Conflict Psychology)

Select Item Title Year Published
201 ways to deal with difficult people 1997
Community mediation : a handbook for practitioners and researchers / 1991
Conflict : the rules of engagement / 1997
Dealing with different, diverse (and difficult) people / 2001
Generations at work : managing the clash of veterans, boomers, xers, and nexters in your workplace / 2000
Getting to yes : negotiating agreement without giving in / 1991
Negotiating at an uneven table : developing moral courage in resolving our conflicts / 2002
Power of positive confrontation : the skills you need to know to handle conflict at work, home, and in life / 2000
Staying with conflict : a strategic approach to ongoing disputes / 2009
The coward's guide to conflict : empowering solutions for those who would rather run than fight / 2003
The promise of mediation : responding to conflict through empowerment and recognition / 1994
They shoot managers, don't they? : managing yourself and leading others in a changing world / 1991
When generations collide : who they are, why they clash, how to solve the generational puzzle at work / 2002
Working with hostile meetings and difficult people : a training offered by Lucy Moore / 2001
Working with hostile meetings and difficult people : a training offered by Lucy Moore / 2010
You just don't understand : women and men in conversation / 1990

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