Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
11th Symposium on Global Change Studies : 9-14 January 2000, Long Beach, California ; Symposium on Lidar Atmospheric Monitoring : 9-14 January 2000, Long Beach, California / 2000
14th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology / 1998
1991 environmental law enforcement conference : the elements of liability under sections 104, 106 and 107 of CERCLA / 1990
9th AESF/EPA Conference on Environmental Control for the Metal Finishing Industry Orlando, Florida January 25-29, 1988. 1988
Agriculture and the quality of our environment. 1967
Approaching the benign environment / 1970
Assessment of Forest Sensitivity to Nitrogen and Sulfur Deposition in Maine. Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers Forest Mapping Group. 2006
Barack Obama. 2010
Baseline studies of pollutants in the marine environment : heavy metals, halogenated hydrocarbons and petroleum : background papers for a workshop sponsored by the National Science Foundation's Office for the International Decade of Oceanography, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 24-26 May 1972 1972
Better understanding our cities : the role of urban indicators. 1997
Bomex Bulletin, No. 7. 1970
Calculating Troposcatter Interchannel Distortion Using a Monte Carlo Method. 1970
Characterization of particles : proceedings of the particle analysis session of the 13th annual conference of the Microbeam Analysis Society held at Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 22, 1978 / 1980
Chemical kinetic data needs for modeling the lower troposphere : proceedings of a workshop held at Reston, Virginia, May 15-17, 1978 / 1979
Choosing the options : alternative lifestyles and development patterns. 1980
Clean Steel, Vol. 1. 1971
Climate action report : submission of the United States of America under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 1994
Documents for the U. N. Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm, June 5-16, 1972. 1972
Dredging in estuaries : a guide for review of environmental impact statements : symposium/workshop proceedings, March 1977, Reston, Virginia / 1977
Emerging issues in science and technology : a compilation of reports on CRS workshops conducted for the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth Congress, second session / 1981
Energy and the environment : proceedings of the fifth national conference / 1978
Entrainment and intake screening; proceedings of the Second Entrainment and Intake Screening Workshop 1974
Environmental control seminar proceedings, Rotterdam, Warsaw, Bucharest, May 25-June 4, 1971. 1971
EPA Clean Lakes' Media Toolkit How-to Handbook: Tools, Tips & Techniques to Package Your Messages for the '90s (draft) 0
Extended Coronal Magnetic Field. 1970
Fact sheet: EPA's Outreach Efforts 1995
Fifth International Conference on Environmental Compliance and Enforcement. Held at Monterey, California on November 16-20, 1998. 1998
Fifth International Conference on Environmental Compliance and Enforcement. Proceedings, Volume 2. Held at Monterey, California on November 16-20, 1998. 1998
First Conference on Artificial Intelligence : [11-16 January, 1998, Phoenix Arizona] / 1998
Flight Mechanical Simulation, Ground Based or in-Flight (Ques). 1971
Future directions for HxOy detection : proceedings of a workshop held in Menlo Park, California, August 12-15, 1985 / 1986
Global biodiversity assessment / 1995
Graal - a Graph Algorithmic Language. 1971
Indicators of environmental quality / 1972
Ion-selective electrodes; proceedings. 1969
Meeting of Collaborating Institutions of Caribbean Environmental Health Institute (CEHI) 1988
Meeting the challenge : conference proceedings / 1994
Mixing in estuaries and coastal seas / 1996
Nearshore and estuarine cohesive sediment transport / 1993
Pollutants from combustion : formation and impact on atmospheric chemistry / 2000
Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Pollution Prevention Conferences, Workshops and Training, April 1998 1998
Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Pollution Prevention Conferences, Workshops and Training, June 1998 1998
Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Pollution Prevention Conferences, Workshops and Training, June 1999 1999
Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Pollution Prevention Conferences, Workshops and Training, Spring 1999 1999
Proceedings 1989
Proceedings of the 14th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, August 5-10, 1979. 1979
Proceedings of the 1987 Socioeconomic Energy Research and Analysis Conference May 21-22, 1987, Holiday Inn Capitol, Washington, D.C. / 1990
Proceedings of the Conference / 1975
Proceedings of the Data Management Workshop : May 20-21, 1991, New Orleans, Louisiana. 1991
Proceedings of the Eighth International Clean Air Conference : held at the Royal Melbourne Exhibition Convention Centre, 7-11 May, 1984 / 1984
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