Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 32
Showing: Items 1 - 32
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Condensers)

Select Item Title Year Published
Bromine chloride : an alternative to chlorine for fouling control in condenser cooling systems / 1977
Chlorine minimization/optimization for condenser biofouling control : (phases I and II) / 1979
Chlorine minimization/optimization for condenser biofouling control : final report / 1980
Compact condenser for Rankine cycle engine : final report / 1971
Compact Condenser for Rankine Cycle Engine. 1971
Comparison of CFC-114 and HFC-236ea Performance in Shipboard Vapor Compression Systems. 1998
Comparison of CFC-114 and HFC-236ea Performance in Shipboard Vapor Compression Systems. 1997
Conceptual Design, Rankine-Cycle Power System with Organic Working Fluid and Reciprocating Engine for Passenger Vehicles. 1970
Condensadores refrigerados para el control de emisiones org anicas de aire 2003
Condenser and Fan Development for Automotive Rankine Cycle Engines. 1972
Condenser and fan development for rankine cycle engines / 1973
Condenser biofouling control : symposium proceedings / 1980
Condenser microbiofouling control handbook 1993
Control of odors from inedibles-rendering plants / 1974
Design guidelines for targeted chlorination with fixed nozzles 1992
Distillation operations in synthetic organic chemical manufacturing industry : background information for promulgated standards. 1990
Effect of targeted chlorination on the corrosion behavior of copper-nickel condenser tubing 1992
Evaporation process. 1996
Experimental Evaluation of a Novel Full-Scale Evaporatively Cooled Condenser. 1997
Feasibility study for a direct, air-cooled condensation system / 1976
Industry views on the use of polychlorinated biphenyls in transformers and capacitors / 1976
OAQPS control cost manual 1996
Optimization of Biological Recycling of Plant Nutrients in Livestock Waste by Utilizing Waste Heat from Cooling Water. 1982
Organic chemical manufacturing : adsorption, condensation, and absorption devices / 1980
QAQPS Control Cost Manual (Fourth Edition). Supplement 1. 1992
Refrigerated condensers for control of organic air emissions : technical bulletin / 2001
Research on control technology for ice fog from mobile sources / 1978
Survey and Economic Analysis of Alternate Methods for Cooling Condenser Discharge Water in Thermal Power Plants. Task I Report. Survey of Large-Scale Heat Rejection Equipment. 1969
Transport Property Measurements of HFC-236ea. 1998
Warm-Liquid Defrost for Commercial Food Display Cases: Experimental Investigation at 32.2 degree Condensing. 2002
Waste minimization assessment for a manufacturer of automotive air conditioning condensers and evaporators / 1992
Water/Reciprocating Expander System, Presented at Automotive Rankine Cycle Contractors Coordination Meeting, January 20-21, 1972. 1972

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