Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 180
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Concrete)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A review of standards of performance for new stationary sources : asphalt concrete plants / 1979
ACI manual of concrete practice, 1999. 1999
Air Conservation. Volume 8, Number 1(39), 1974. 1975
Air Pollutant Emission Factors. 1970
Air pollution damage to man-made materials : physical and economic estimates 1983
Air quality modeling technical support document : National emissions standards for hazardous air pollutants from the Portland cement manufacturing industry. 2010
Airtightness of concrete basement slabs / 1991
Analysis of Final State Implementation Plans: Rules and Regulations. 1972
Annual book of ASTM standards 2006. Section 4, Construction. 2006
Asphaltic concrete industry : source category report / 1987
Asphaltic Concrete Plants. Atmospheric Emissions Study. 1971
Assessment of vapor intrusion in homes near the Raymark Superfund site using basement and sub-slab air samples / 2006
Autogenous healing of concrete in the drinking water industry 2008
AWWA standard for circular, prestressed concrete water tanks with circumferential tendons 1996
AWWA standard for concrete pressure pipe, bar-wrapped, steel-cylinder type. 1995
AWWA standard for design of prestressed concrete cylinder pipe 1993
AWWA standard for prestressed concrete pressure pipe, steel-cylinder type, for water and other liquids 1993
AWWA standard for reinforced concrete pressure pipe, noncylinder type. 1995
AWWA standard for reinforced concrete pressure pipe, steel-cylinder type, for water and other liquids. 1989
AWWA standard for reinforced concrete pressure pipe, steel-cylinder type. 1997
AWWA standard for wire- and strand-wound circular, prestressed concrete water tanks / 1996
Background Information for Proposed New-Source Performance Standards: Steam Generators, Incinerators, Portland Cement Plants, Nitric Acid Plants, Sulfuric Acid Plants. 1971
Barrier and waste fixation technology. 1988
Best practices manual for prestressed concrete pipe condition assessment : what works? what doesn't? what's next? / 2012
Building code requirements for reinforced concrete (ACI 318-83) (Revised 1986) / 1986
Building code requirements for structural concrete (ACI 318-02) and commentary (ACI 318R-02) : an ACI standard / 2002
Building code requirements for structural concrete (ACI 318-05) and commentary (ACI 318R-05) / 2005
Causes of Poor Sealant Performance in Soil-Gas-Resistant Foundations. 1994
Cementing shallow water flow zones in deepwater wells API recommended practice 65, first edition, September 2002, Errata, August 2003. 2003
Chemical, polymer, and fiber additives for low maintenance highways 1979
Chemistry of cement and concrete 1971
Chrysotile Asbestos Fibers in Drinking Water from Asbestos-Cement Pipe. 1982
Commentary on Building code requirements for reinforced concrete (ACI 318-83) / 1983
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Third Edition (Including Supplements 1-7) Supplement 12. 1981
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Third Edition, Supplement 12. 1981
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Third Edition, Supplement No. 15 (Including Supplements 1-7). 1984
Compilation of ASTM standards relating to wastewater and stormwater : June 2006. 2006
Concrete batch plants 1994
Concrete manual : part two. 1992
Concrete planet : the strange and fascinating story of the world's most common man-made material / 2011
Concrete pressure pipe. 1982
Construction Inspection Guide. Volume 1. 1976
Contributions of building materials to indoor radon levels in Florida buildings : project summary 1996
Contributions of Building Materials to Indoor Radon Levels in Florida Buildings. 1996
Control of water quality deterioration caused by corrosion of cement-mortar pipe linings 1991
Control technology evaluation of the drum-mix process for asphalt concrete manufacturing / 1978
Corrosion of metals in association with concrete : a manual sponsored by ASTM Subcommittee G01.14 on Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel, and Metal Properties Council / 1983
Creep of a Portland cement mortar as a function of stress-level and time / 1965
Decontamination of Structures and Debris at Superfund Sites. 1988
Demonstration of radon resistant construction techniques : phase II : final report / 1995
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