Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Concrete construction)

Select Item Title Year Published
ACI manual of concrete practice, 1999. 1999
Building code requirements for reinforced concrete (ACI 318-83) (Revised 1986) / 1986
Building code requirements for structural concrete (ACI 318-02) and commentary (ACI 318R-02) : an ACI standard / 2002
Building code requirements for structural concrete (ACI 318-05) and commentary (ACI 318R-05) / 2005
Commentary on Building code requirements for reinforced concrete (ACI 318-83) / 1983
Concrete manual : part two. 1992
Construction Inspection Guide. Volume 1. 1976
Effects of acid deposition on the properties of portland cement concrete state-of-knowledge / 1985
Effects of acid deposition on the properties of portland cement concrete state-of-knowledge / 1985
Engineering design criteria for sub-slab depressurization systems in low-permeability soils / 1990
Final report of the U.S. EPA workshop on acid deposition effects on Portland cement concrete and related materials / 1986
Green building with concrete : sustainable design and construction / 2016
Green house : the energy efficient home / 2007
Handbook of concrete engineering. 1974
Managing construction and infrastructure in the 21st century Bureau of Reclamation 2006
New materials in concrete construction; proceedings of the conference, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Chicago, Illinois, 1972
Notes on ACI 318-08, building code requirements for structural concrete : with design applications / 2008
Preventing skin problems from working with Portland cement. 2008
Rectangular concrete tanks 1998
Reinforced concrete design 1986
Simplified design : reinforced concrete buildings of moderate size and height / 1993
The Encyclopedia of concrete technology : MCP Plus, 1996 : electronic version of ACI's manual of concrete practice. 1996

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