Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A climatological analysis of Pasquill stability categories based on 'STAR' summaries / 1976
AGWA (Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment) Design Documentation: Migrating to ArcGis(Trade Name) and the Internet. 2005
Air quality modeling platform for the ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard final rule regulatory impact analysis. 2008
Air quality modeling technical support document : Changes to the renewable fuel standard program. 2010
ALOFT-PC: A Smoke Plume Trajectory Model for Personal Computers. 1996
Ancillary Benefits Due to Greenhouse Gas Mitigation, 2000-2020. 2001
Aquatox (release 2.2) : modeling environmental fate and ecological effects in aquatic ecosystems : technical documentation (addendum). 2006
AQUATOX (Release 3) Modeling Environmental Fate and Ecological Effects in Aquatic Ecosystems. Volume 2: Technical Documentation. 2009
BIOCHLOR : natural attenuation decision support system : user's manual version 1.0 / 2000
CFD Modeling of Fine Scale Flow and Transport in the Houston Metropolitan Area, Texas. 2004
Comparison of CFC-114 and HFC-236ea Performance in Shipboard Vapor Compression Systems. 1997
Consequence Analysis for ISC-PRIME. 1997
d-SSYS: A Computer Model for the Evaluation of Competing Alternatives Version 3.20 (for Microcomputers). 1990
d-SSYS: A Computer Model for the Evaluation of Competing Alternatives Version 3.20. Operational Manual. 1989
DEEM Dietary exposure evaluation model : users manual / 1999
Development and Testing of an Improved Photolysis Rate Model for Regional Photochemical Modeling. 1997
Dispersion Model for Elevated Dense Gas Jet Chemical Releases (Ooms/DEGADIS) (for Microcomputers). 1988
Dispersion Model for Elevated Dense Gas Jet Chemical Releases. Volume 2. User's Guide. 1988
Draft final report on biotechnology model : microbe-screen to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1987
Dynamic Evaluation of 2006 - 2010 Ozone Trends in AQMEII-2 North American Domain Simulations. 2015
Environmental modeling resource guide for the forest products industry 2003
EPA Multimedia Integrated Modeling System Software Suite. 2003
First-order kinetic gas generation model parameters for wet landfills [electronic resource] / 2005
Frequency analysis of pesticide concentrations for risk assessment : prepared for Task 1-4 subtask 5 / 1979
GAEP: A Geographic Preprocessor for Ground Water Flow Modeling. 1993
Guidance on Urban Airshed Model (UAM) reporting requirements for attainment demonstration. 1994
Hydrologic Investigation of Small Watersheds in Ohio. Phase I, October 1966-July 1969. 1969
Industrial source complex (ISC) dispersion model user's guide. 1987
Industrial Source Complex (ISC) Dispersion Model User's Guide. Second Edition. Volume 2. Appendices (Revised). 1987
Industrial Source Complex Short Term (ISCST) (on CD-ROM). 2002
Letter from Hercules Incorporated to USEPA Submitting Information on Methyl Vinyl Ketone with Attachments. 1988
Meteorological Processor for Regulatory Models (MPRM) (on CD-ROM). 1999
Modeling Report for Wissahickon Creek, Pennsylvania Nutrient TMDL Development. 2003
Models-3 installation procedures for a personal computer with an NT operating system. 2000
Models-3 installation procedures for a Sun workstation with a UNIX-based operation system (Models-3 Version 4.1) / 2001
Near-Zero Discharge Electroplating via Drag-Out Reduction, Rinse Water Management, and Bath Evaporation. 1989
Numerical model of massive hydraulic fracture : second annual report, September 1981-August 1982 / 1983
Organophosphate Pesticide Degradation Under Drinking Water Treatment Conditions. 2005
PATCH: A Spatially Explicit Life History Simulator for Terrestrial Vertebrates. 1997
Predicting attenuation of viruses during percolation in soils / 2002
Prediction of Chemical Reactivity Parameters and Physical Properties of Organic Compounds from Molecular Structure Using Sparc. 2003
Quality Assurance and Quality Control in the Development and Application of the Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA) Tool. 2002
Regional-Urban Scale Modeling of Fine Particulates Using the U.S. EPA Models-3 Community Multiscale Air Quality Modeling System. 1997
Regulation of fuels and fuel additives : modifications to renewable fuel standard program : response to comments / 2013
Results of the Independent Evaluation of ISCST3 and ISC-PRIME. 1997
RISK: An IAQ Model for Windows. 1998
Simulating Radionuclide Fate and Transport in the Unsaturated Zone: Evaluation and Sensitivity Analyses of Select Computer Models. 2002
Simulating Urban Air Toxics Over Continental and Urban Scales. 2004
Simulations of Aerosols and Photochemical Species with the CMAQ Plume-in-Grid Modeling System. 2004
Storm water management model, quality assurance report dynamic wave flow routing / [electronic resource] : 2006
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