Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 39
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Select Item Title Year Published
Adverse reproductive health outcomes and exposure to gaseous and particulate-matter air pollution in pregnant women / 2016
Ambient air pollution and adverse pregnancy outcomes in Wuhan, China / 2016
Birth, distress, and disease : placental-brain interactions / 2005
Carbon monoxide exposure of subjects with documented cardiac arrhythmias / 1992
Carcinogenicity of alkylating cytostatic drugs proceedings of a symposium organized by IARC and the German Cancer Research Centre, held at the German Cancer Research Centre, Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany, 25-27 November 1985 / 1986
Cleaner technologies substitutes assessment for professional fabricare processes : peer review process. 1998
Comprehensive bibliography on pregnancy and work 1978
Drugs in pregnancy and lactation : a reference guide to fetal and neonatal risk / 2015
Environmental influences on fertility, pregnancy, and development : strategies for measurement and evaluation : proceedings of a meeting held in Cincinnati, Ohio, May 24-25, 1982 1984
Epstein-Barr virus and Kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus/human herpesvirus 8. 1997
Extrapulmonary manifestations of respiratory disease 1978
Generations at risk : reproductive health and the environment / 1999
Gestational age, size and maturity: a symposium on the causes and associations of prematurity, based on the proceedings of an international study group at St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, 1964; 1965
Guidelines on pregnancy and work 1977
Health effects of real-world exposure to diesel exhaust in persons with asthma : with a commentary by the HEI Health Review Committee / 2009
Health hazards of nitrite inhalants / 1988
Hexachlorobenzene-Induced Renal Maldevelopment in CD-1 Mice and CD Rats. 1985
Histoplasmosis, protecting workers at risk 1997
How tobacco smoke causes disease : the biology and behavioral basis for smoking-attributable disease : a report of the Surgeon General. 2010
Human immunodeficiency viruses and human T-cell lymphotropic viruses. 1996
Human papillomaviruses. 2007
Human reproduction : physiology and pathophysiology / 1979
Immunization safety review : thimerosal-containing vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders / 2001
Impact on the fetus of parental sexually transmitted disease / 1988
Indoor allergens : assessing and controlling adverse health effects / 1993
Interrelation Between Excretion of Sex Hormones and the Copper, Manganese, Zinc and Cobalt Content in the Placentas of Women with a Normal Course and Premature Interruption of Pregnancy (Vzaimootnosheniya Mexhdu Ekskretsiei Polovykh Gormonov i Soderzhaniem medi, Margantsa, Tsinka, Kobalta v Platsente Zhenshchin pri Normalnom Techenii i Prezhdevre Mennom Preryvanii Beremennosti). 1971
Medical consequences of alcoholism / 1975
Nutrition and the immune response 1983
Oncogenesis and herpesviruses II : proceedings of a symposium held in Nuremberg, Federal Republic of Germany, 14-16 October, 1974 / 1975
Poison in the pot the legacy of lead / 1984
Radionuclide exposure of the embryo/fetus : recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1998
Redox-active metals in neurological disorders / 2004
Reproductive and perinatal epidemiology / 2011
Second cancer in relation to radiation treatment for cervical cancer : from the International Radiation Study Group on Cervical Cancer / 1983
Side effects of medical cancer therapy : prevention and treatment / 2013
The yeast connection : a medical breakthrough / 1985
Third National AIDS Malignancy Conference : proceedings of a conference held at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, May 26-27, 1999 / 2000
Vulnerable brain and environmental risks 1992
Water hardness, human health and the importance of magnesium / 1979

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