Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 30
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Complex Terrain)

Select Item Title Year Published
Advanced screening model for complex terrain applications. / 1991
AREMOD's Simplified Algorithm for Dispersion in Complex Terrain. 1997
Contributions of the Fluid Modeling Facility to EPA's (Environmental Protection Agency's) Complex Terrain Model Development Program. 1987
CTDMPLUS: A Dispersion Model for Sources Near Complex Topography. Part 1. Technical Formulations. 1992
CTDMPLUS: A Dispersion Model for Sources Near Complex Topography. Part 2. Performance Characteristics. 1992
Dispersion in complex terrain : a report of a workshop held at Keystone, Colorado, May 17-20, 1983 / 1986
Dispersion in complex terrain : a report of a workshop held at Keystone, Colorado, May 17-20, 1983 / 1985
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Complex Terrain Model: Theoretical Basis and Preliminary Evaluation. 1986
EPA complex terrain model development : fifth milestone report--1985 / 1986
EPA complex terrain model development : fourth milestone report--1984 / 1985
Estimation of maximum surface concentrations from sources near complex terrain in neutral flow / 1989
Evaluation of the Complex Terrain Dispersion Model against Laboratory Observations: Neutral Flow over 2-D and 3-D Hills. 1987
Evaluation of the EPA Complex Terrain Dispersion Model (CTDMPLUS) with the Lovett Power Plant Data Base. 1991
Full Scale Plume Study: A Summary of Data Collected and Phenomena Observed. 1986
Integration of fluid modeling with complex-terrain field studies and model-development efforts / 1988
LONGZ Air Diffusion Model (for Microcomputers). 1989
Risk Assessment for the Waste Technologies Industries (WTI) Hazardous Waste Incineration Facility (East Liverpool, Ohio). Volume 4. Atmospheric Dispersion and Deposition Modeling of Emissions. 1997
Rocky Mountain acid deposition model assessment : acid rain mountain mesoscale model (ARM3) / 1988
Rocky Mountain acid deposition model assessment : acid rain mountain mesoscale model (ARM3) {microfiche} / 1990
Rocky Mountain acid deposition model assessment : review of existing mesocale models for use in complex terrain / 1987
Rocky Mountain Acid Deposition Model Assessment: Evaluation of Mesoscale Acid Deposition Models for Use in Complex Terrain. 1988
Scientific assessment document on status of complex terrain dispersion models for EPA regulatory applications / 1984
SHORTZ Air Diffusion Model (for Microcomputers). 1996
SPRAYTRAN User's Guide: A GIS-Based Atmospheric Spray Droplet Dispersion Modeling System. 2005
Towing Tank Studies of Stratified Flow over Ridges and Valleys. 1984
User's guide for POSTZ : a post-processor for the SHORTZ air quality model / 1986
User's guide to CTDMPLUS: the screening mode (CTSCREEN) / 1991
User's guide to the Complex Terrain Dispersion Model Plus Algorithms for Unstable Situations (CTDMPLUS) 1989
User's guide to the Complex Terrain Dispersion Model plus algorithms for unstable situations (CTDMPLUS) : volume 1, Model description and user instructions / 1989
WYNDvalley : an air-quality model for near-stagnant flows in constricted terrain / 1987

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