Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 47
Showing: Items 1 - 47
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Compacting)

Select Item Title Year Published
A study of pneumatic solid waste collection systems as employed in hospitals. 1974
Abstracts Selected Patents on Refuse Handling Facilities for Buildings. 1968
An evaluation of tailings ponds sealants / 1974
Atlanta Household Refuse Compactor Demonstration Project. 1974
Baling Solid Waste to Conserve Sanitary Landfill Space; A Feasibility Study. 1973
Building an Amphitheater and Coasting Ramp of Municipal Solid Waste. Volumes I and II. 1973
Carbonate Bonding of Coal Refuse. 1971
Collection, Reduction, and Disposal of Solid Waste in High-Rise Multifamily Dwellings. 1971
Determination of effective porosity of soil materials / 1988
Development of Economic Water Harvest Systems for Increasing Water Supply. Phase II. 1972
Environmental impact resulting from unconfined animal production / 1978
Evaluation of a Multi-Functional Machine for use in Sanitary Landfill Operations in Sparsely Populated Areas. 1972
Evaluation of Landfill-Liner Designs. 1990
Evaluation of soil washing technology results of bench-scale experiments on petroleum-fuels contaminated soils / 1991
Factors controlling minimum soil liner thickness / 1991
Field and laboratory testing of a compacted soil liner / 1990
Field and Laboratory Testing of a Compacted Soil Liner. 1988
High-pressure compaction & baling of solid waste; final report on a solid waste demonstration grant. 1972
High-Pressure Compaction and Baling of Solid Waste. 1972
Method of Estimating the Travel Time of Noninteracting Solutes through Compacted Soil Material. 1987
Minimizing salt in return flow through irrigation management : interim report / 1977
Minimizing Salt in Return Flow Through Irrigation Management. 1982
Particle size variation effects on landfilled solid waste : cold climate studies / 1981
Preliminary Design of a Household Refuse Grinder. 1974
Rail Transport of Solid Wastes. 1973
Relationship of laboratory- and field-determined hydraulic conductivity in compacted clay layer / 1990
Review and evaluation of the influence of chemicals on the conductivity of soil clays / 1988
Rural storage and collection container systems / 1975
Sewage Sludge Disposal in a Sanitary Landfill. Volume I. Summary and Conclusions. 1973
Sewage Sludge Disposal in a Sanitary Landfill. Volume II. Description of Study and Technical Data. 1973
Soil biology as related to land use practices : proceedings of the VII International Soil Zoology Colloquium of the International Society of Soil Science (ISSS) / 1980
Soil Properties, Classification, and Hydraulic Conductivity Testing: Draft Technical Resource Document for Public Comment. 1984
Solid Waste Management: Available Information Materials. 1973
Solid waste transfer stations : a state-of-the-art report on systems incorporating highway transportation / 1972
Solid Wastes Landfill Stabilization. 1968
Special Studies of a Sanitary Landfill. 1970
Stabilization of compacted clay liners against attack by concentrated organic chemicals 1985
State of the Art Review on Sludge Incineration Practice. 1970
State-of-the-art field hydraulic conductivity testing of compacted soils 1991
Superfund record of decision : South Bay Asbestos, CA : first remedial action - final. 1988
Survey of solidification/stabilization technology for hazardous industrial wastes / 1979
Systems analysis study of solid waste collection management. 1977
Systems Engineering Applied to Selection and Replacement of Solid Waste Collection Vehicles for Lawrence, Kansas. 1971
Technical-Economic Study of Solid Waste Disposal Needs and Practices: Municipal Inventory (Volume I), Industrial Inventory (Volume II), Information System (Volume III), Technical-Economic Overview (Volume IV). 1968
The Tezuka refuse compression system : a preliminary report. 1969
Use of dredgings for landfill / 1978
Water Intake Rates on a Silt Loam Soil With Various Manure Applications. 1972

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