Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Communicable Diseases Emerging)

Select Item Title Year Published
2000 and beyond : confronting the microbe menace / 2003
Disease emergence and resurgence : the wildlife-human connection / 2006
Global climate change and extreme weather events : understanding the contributions to infectious disease emergence : workshop summary / 2008
Global issues in water, sanitation, and health : workshop summary / 2009
Microbial threats to health : emergence, detection, and response / 2003
Microbial threats to health : the threat of pandemic influenza / 2005
One health : people, animals, and the environment / 2014
Sustaining global surveillance and response to emerging zoonotic diseases / 2009
The infectious microbe / 2014
The microbial challenge : science, disease, and public heatlh / 2010
The resistance phenomenon in microbes and infectious disease vectors : implications for human health and strategies for containment : workshop summary / 2003
Viral outbreak : the science of emerging disease / 2011
Waterborne zoonoses : identification, causes, and control / 2004

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