Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Communicable Diseases transmission)

Select Item Title Year Published
228 water-borne disease outbreaks known to have occured in the 15 year period - 1946-1960 (Listed by State) / 1960
Adjustment of incidence rates for migration in indirect ecologic studies / 1984
Adjustment of incidence rates for migration in indirect ecologic studies / 1984
Airborne contagion / 1980
Disease emergence and resurgence : the wildlife-human connection / 2006
Emerging infectious diseases : review of state and federal disease surveillance efforts 2004
Environmental health components for water supply, sanitation, and urban projects / 1990
Epidemiological study of gastrointestinal health effects of drinking water 2000
Methods for the investigation and prevention of waterborne disease outbreaks / 1990
Modeling disease transmission and its prevention by disinfection 1996
Modelling parasite transmission and control / 2010
Protecting against high consequence animal diseases : research & development plan for 2008-2012 / 2007
Quantitative microbial risk assessment / 1999
Six modern plagues : and how we are causing them / 2004
Solid waste/disease relationships : a literature survey / 1967
The impact of globalization on infectious disease emergence and control : exploring the consequences and opportunities : workshop summary / 2006
Water recreation and disease : plausibility of associated infections : acute effects, sequelae, and mortality / 2005
Waterborne disease outbreaks : selected reprints of articles on epidemiology, surveillance, investigation, and laboratory analysis / 1990
Workshop on methods for investigation of waterborne disease outbreaks : summary of recommendations / 1990

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