Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Combustion research)

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Select Item Title Year Published
300 Btu gas combustor development program : phase 1 1979
Advances in combustion 2001. 2001
Catalytic combustion component and system prototype development / 1986
Catalytic combustion component and system prototype development{microfiche} 1986
Combustion research in Japan / 1985
Compression ignition combustion processes 2005. 2005
Compression ignition combustion processes. 2000
Continuing assessment of advanced technologies for the control of air pollution from coal combustion : current research and development in the United States 1981
Controlling pollution through combustion research. 1977
Conventional combustion environmental assessment program / 1978
Development of a core combustion research program plan for EPA / 1992
Development of a core combustion research program plan for EPA : project summary. 1992
Development of a vortex containment combustor for coal combustion systems : project summary / 1989
Dioxin tier 4 study : answers to commonly asked questions. 1984
Effect of fuel sulfur on NOx emissions from premixed flames / 1975
Effects of design and operating variables on NOx from coal-fired furnaces : phase I / 1974
Effects of design and operating variables on NOx from coal-fired furnaces : phase II / 1975
Effluent and ambient toxicity testing and instream community response on the Ottawa River, Lima, Ohio / 1983
Emissions of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons from the open burning of household waste in barrels / 1997
Environmental assessment of a commercial boiler fired with a coal/waste plastic mixture / 1986
Environmental assessment of a commercial boiler fired with a coal/waste plastic mixture / 1986
EPA's stationary source combustion control technology program : FY 1976 / 1977
Evaluation of the efficiency of industrial flares : flare head design and gas composition / 1985
Evaluation of the Riley Stoker Corporation distributed mixing burner / 1985
Evaluation of the Riley Stoker Corporation distributed mixing burner / 1985
Experimental evaluation of a low NOx LBG combustor using bypass air 1989
Federal R and D Plan for Air-Pollution Control by Combustion-Process Modification. 1971
Field investigation of emissions from combustion equipment for space heating / 1973
Field performance of advanced technology woodstoves in Glens Falls, NY, 1988-89 / 1991
Fire protection in refineries : API recommended practice 2001. 2012
Flare details for general refinery and petrochemical service. ANSI/API Standard 537. 2008
Fuel NOx control by catalytic combustion / 1981
Fundamental combustion research applied to pollution formation. final report / Volume I, Fundamental combustion research program overview and gas-phase chemistry : 1985
Impact of clean fuels combustion on primary particulate emissions from stationary sources / 1976
Interim report on PIC minimization in a research combustor / 1985
Low NOx firing system for tangentially coal-fired boilers : applications guideline manual : user manual / 1985
Manual of petroleum measurement standards. Chapter 14 - Natural gas fluids measurment. Section 10 Measurement of flow to flares, first edition, July 2007 2007
Optimization of diesel combustion research / 1978
Pilot-scale incineration test burn of TCDD-contaminated trichlorophenol production waste / 1987
Preliminary environmental assessment of combustion modification techniques / 1977
Proceedings of the fifth Fundamental Combustion Research Contractors Workshop / 1983
Proceedings of the Second Stationary Source Combustion Symposium / 1977
Progress report for combustion and emission control for advanced CIDI engines / 2002
Reburning application to firetube package boilers / 1987
Reduction of atmospheric pollution by the application of fluidized-bed combustion / 1974
Site Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation - Technology Demonstration Summary - The American Combustion Pyretron Thermal Destruction System at the U.S. EPA's Combustion Research Facility. 1989
Steam injected gas turbine study; an economic and thermodynamic appraisal 1979
Technology evaluation report : SITE program demonstration test : the American Combustion Pyretron Thermal Destruction System at the U.S. EPA's Combustion Research Facility / 1989
The Federal R & D plan for air-pollution control by combustion-process modification : final report / 1971
The Pyretron oxygen burner : American Combustion Technologies, Inc. 1989
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