Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 33
Showing: Items 1 - 33
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Combustion gases Environmental aspects United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
Calculation of age distribution in the nonroad model : growth and scrappage : NR-007b / 2004
Calculation of age distributions in the nonroad model : growth and scrappage / 2005
Calculation of age distributions in the nonroad model : growth and scrappage. 1998
Emissions assessment of conventional stationary combustion systems : Project summary / 1981
Emissions assessment of conventional stationary combustion systems : summary report / 1981
Emissions assessment of conventional stationary combustion systems : summary report / 1981
Emissions assessment of conventional stationary combustion systems. 1979
Emissions assessment of conventional stationary combustion systems. volume III. External combustion sources for electricity generation / 1980
Environmental assessment of utility boiler combustion modification NOX controls / 1980
Evaluation of natural- and forced-draft staging air systems for nitric oxide reduction in refinery process heaters / 1984
Evaluation of natural- and forced-draft staging air systems for nitric oxide reduction in refinery process heaters : volume 1. Technical report / 1984
Evaluation of natural- and forced-draft staging air systems for nitric oxide reduction in refinery process heaters : volume 2. Data supplement / 1984
Evaluation of the efficiency of industrial flares : background, experimental design, facility / 1984
Geographic allocation of nonroad engine population data to the state and county level / 2005
Geographic allocation of state level nonroad engine population data to the county level / 2002
Geographic allocation of state level nonroad engine population data to the county level / 2004
Geographic allocation of state level nonroad engine population data to the county level : report no. NR-014 / 1998
Median life, annual activity, and load factor values for nonroad engine emissions modeling / 2010
Median life, annual activity, and load factor values for nonroad engine emissions modeling : NR-005b / 2002
Median life, annual activity, and load factor values for nonroad engine emissions modeling : NR-005c / 2004
Median life, annual activity, and load factor values for nonroad engine emissions modeling : report no. NR-005A / 1998
NEDS source classification codes and emission factor listing. 1984
Nonroad engine growth estimates report no. NR-008 / 1998
Nonroad engine population estimates / 2010
Nonroad engine population estimates / 2002
Nonroad engine population estimates : NR-006c / 2004
Nonroad engine population estimates : NR-006d / 2005
Nonroad engine population estimates report no. NR-006A / 1998
Nonroad engine population growth estimates in MOVES2014b. 2018
Overview of pollution from combustion of fossil fuels in boilers of the United States / 1979
Phase II NOx controls for the MARAMA and NESCAUM regions / 1995
User's guide for the EPA nonroad emissions model draft NONROAD 2002 / 2002
User's guide for the final NONROAD2005 model / 2005

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