Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13

Select Item Title Year Published
1971 Columbia River estuary resource use study / 1973
Benthic invertebrates and sediment characteristics in freshwater, beach habitats of the lower Columbia River, 1994-95 / 1996
Comprehensive conservation and management plan / 1999
Ecological condition of the Columbia river estuary: an environmental monitoring and assessment program (EMAP) report. modeling fish distributions in the Pacific Northwest coast range ecoregion using EMAP Data. / 2007
Energy related use conflicts for the Columbia River estuary / 1983
Lower Columbia River and estuary ecosystem monitoring : water quality and salmon sampling report / 2007
Lower Columbia River Estuary program : aquatic ecosystem monitoring strategy : information management strategy / 1998
Lower Columbia River Estuary program : base program analysis and inventory : federal consistency report / 1998
Lower Columbia River Estuary program : comprehensive conservation and management plan / 1999
Lower Columbia River Estuary Program Biological Integrity Workshop, May 13-14, 1999, Sandy, Oregon. 1999
Mitigation and restoration plan for the Columbia River Estuary / 1987
The Columbia River estuary and adjacent ocean waters; bioenvironmental studies, 1972
Transcript. 1972

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