Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 211
Showing: Items 1 - 50
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Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to the Naididae (Annelida, Clitellata, Oligochaeta) of North America / 1980
A national survey of separate collection programs / 1979
A study of pneumatic solid waste collection systems as employed in hospitals. 1974
A Survey of household hazardous wastes and related collection programs. 1986
Alternative funding study Fee-based models for funding water quality infrastructure 1996
Alternative Sewers: Operation and Maintenance. Special Evaluation Project. 1989
Ambient Monitoring of Pollutants Around Synfuel Plants. 1984
An accounting system for solid waste management in small communities. 1971
Analysis Models for Solid Waste Collection. Volume I. 1975
Analysis Models for Solid Waste Collection. Volume II. 1975
Analysis of aged in-home carpeting to determine the distribution of pesticide residues between dust, carpet, and pad compartments / 2000
Analysis of Airport Solid Wastes and Collection Systems: San Francisco International Airport. 1973
Analysis of carbon-14 and tritium in reactor stack gas / 1975
Analysis of Institutional Solid Wastes. 1971
Analytical Diagnosis of Pesticide Poisoning: Collection, Storage, and Shipment of Biological Samples. 1971
Approach to the Study of Environmental Microbial Aerosols. 1982
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Appendix A-2. Municipal Wastewater Needs and Capital Scheduling. 1978
Biological problems in water pollution : transactions of the Second Seminar on Biological Problems in Water Pollution, held April 20-24, 1959, at Cincinnati, Ohio / 1960
Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems. Identification Manual No. 4. Freshwater Polychaetes (Annelida) of North America. 1972
Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems. Identification Manual No. 7. Freshwater Isopods (Asellidae) of North America. 1972
California Solid Waste Management Study (1968) and Plan (1970). 1971
Cities and the Nation's Disposal Crisis. 1973
Clean Sweep Report. 2002
Collecting household hazardous wastes at wastewater treatment plants. 1990
Collection and Disposal of Solid Waste for the des Moines Metropolitan Area. 1968
Collection efficiencies of stack sampling sytsems for vanadium emissions in flue gases / 1976
Collection efficiency study of the proposed method 13 sampling train / 1975
Collection of Radium Leak Test Articles. 1968
Collection, underwater storage, and disposal of pleasurecraft waste : feasibility of connecting sewage holding tanks on board recreational watercraft to a dockside collection system and storage in an underwater tank / 1969
Comparison of Measurement of Ambient Particulate Nitrate with Semi-Continuous Instruments. 2003
Comparison of Transfer of Surface Chlorpyrifos Residues from Carpet by Three Dislodgeable Residue Methods. 1993
Compendium of Superfund Field Analytical Methods-Draft (Date of Coverage: May 1993) (for Microcomputers). 1995
Comprehensive abatement performance pilot study / 1995
Conversion equations for use in section 403 rulemaking : final report. 1997
Conversion equations for use in section 403 rulemaking. 1997
Cost data -- vapor recovery systems at service stations / 1975
Creating a countywide solid waste management system : the case study of Humphreys County, Tennessee / 1972
Dairy Manure Management Methods. 1974
Decisionmaker's guide to recycling plastics / 1991
Delicious decadence : the rediscovery of French eighteenth-century painting in the nineteenth century / 2016
Design criteria for solid waste management in recreational areas / 1972
Design of 301(h) monitoring programs for municipal wastewater discharges to marine waters / 1982
Design of a Great Lakes atmospheric inputs and sources (GLAIS) network / 1987
Design of a Solid Waste Management System for the Eastern Appalachia Health Region of North Carolina. 1972
Detroit's Municipal Solid Waste Management System: A Case Study. 1973
Development and Demonstration of an Underwater Oil Harvesting Technique. 1973
Development of a capillary wick unsaturated zone pore water sampler. 1988
Development of Economic Water Harvest Systems for Increasing Water Supply. 1971
Development of Economic Water Harvest Systems for Increasing Water Supply. Phase II. 1972
Development of protocols for chronic toxicity testing of Pacific marine species / 1990
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