Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Coke plants)

Select Item Title Year Published
Air pollution emissions : characterization of a coal preheater / 1978
An investigation of foreign by-product coke plant and blast furnace wastewater control technology and regulation / 1982
Background information and final environmental impact statement for coke by-product recovery plants / prepared by Jack R. Farmer. 1985
Biological fluidized bed treatment of coke plant wastewater and blast furnace scrubber blowdown / 1984
Coke battery survey CF & I Steel Corporation: Pueblo, Colorado [July 25-30, 1977] / 1979
Coke Plant Survey : CF & I Steel Corporation, Pueblo, Colorado. 1977
Control of air emissions from coke plants 1979
Cost effectiveness model for pollution control at coking facilities / 1979
Emission testing and evaluation of Ford/Koppers coke pushing control system ; volume I. final report / 1977
Emission testing and evaluation of Ford/Koppers coke pushing control system ; volume II. appendices / 1977
Enclosed coke pushing and quenching system design manual / 1973
Environmental assessment of coke by-product recovery plants / 1979
Evaluation of coke plant pushing control systems / 1984
Interim drinking water health advisory for perchlorate / 2008
Physical/chemical treatment of coke plant wastewater / 1981
Potentially hazardous emissions from the extraction and processing of coal and oil, 1975
Study of coke-side coke-oven emissions : Great Lakes Carbon Corporation St. Louis, Missouri plant / 1977
Study of the characteristics of liquid wastes from a by-product coke plant : May 14 to June 21, 1950 / 1950
Two-stage biological treatment of coke plant wastewater / 1981
Two-stage biological treatment of coke plant wastewater / 1981
Validity of effluent and ambient toxicity tests for predicting biological impact on Five Mile Creek, Birmingham, Alabama / 1985
Visible emissions observation survey Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company coke oven batteries 7, 8, and 9 / 1978

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