Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Coast changes)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Against the tide : the battle for America's beaches / 1999
America's wetland : Louisiana's vanishing coast / 2005
Annotated bibliographies on shoreline hardening effects, vegetative erosion control, and beach nourishment 1994
Barrier islands from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico 1979
Bayou farewell : the rich life and tragic death of Louisiana's Cajun coast / 2004
Bayou farewell : the rich life and tragic death of Louisiana's Cajun coast / 2003
Beach processes and sedimentation 1998
Between land and sea : the Atlantic Coast and the transformation of New England / 2014
Canada-Ontario Great Lakes shore damage survey technical report. 1975
Causes of wetland loss in the coastal Central Gulf of Mexico / 1988
Chesapeake requiem : a year with the watermen of vanishing Tangier Island / 2018
Coastal and estuarine processes / 2009
Coastal and shoreline erosion action agenda for the Gulf of Mexico : first generation-management committee report. 1994
Coastal Dynamics '97 : conference proceedings / 1998
Coastal environments and global change / 2014
Coastal environments of northeastern Massachusetts and New Hampshire; field trip guidebook, May 9-11, 1969. 1969
Coastal erosion : response and management / 1998
Coastal erosion management studies in Puget Sound, Washington : executive summary / 1995
Coastal fluxes in the anthropocene 2005
Coastal hydrology and processes : proceedings of the AIH 25th Anniversary Meeting & International Conference "Challenges in Coastal Hyrology and Water Quality" / 2006
Coastal lagoons : critical habitats of environmental change / 2010
COASTAL LAGOONS : critical habitats of environmental change. 2017
Coastal processes and resulting forms of sediment accumulations, Currituck Spit, Virginia-North Carolina : field trip guidebook 1977
Coastal sensitivity to sea-level rise : a focus on the mid-Atlantic Region / 2009
Coasts : form, process, and evolution / 2002
Coasts in crisis / 1990
Delaware's changing shoreline prepared from upublished manuscript, Geologic processes and the geology of Delaware's coastal zone / 1976
Delaware's changing shoreline. 1975
Drawing Louisiana's new map : addressing land loss in coastal Louisiana / 2006
Drawing Louisiana's new map : addressing land loss in coastal Louisiana / 2005
Effects of large structures on the Ohio shore of Lake Erie. 1964
Engineering and geotechnical techniques for shoreline erosion management in Puget Sound 1994
Environmental geologic atlas of the Texas coastal zone : Brownsville-Harlingen area : environmental geology, physical properties, environments and biologic assemblages, current land use, mineral and energy resources, active processes, man-made features and water systems, rainfall, stream discharge, and surface salinity, topography and bathymetry 1980
Environmental geologic atlas of the Texas coastal zone. Corpus Christi area / 1976
Environmental-economic blueprint for restoring the Louisiana coastal zone : The state plan / 1994
Eroding shores of outer Cape Cod . 1974
Estimates of coastal subsidence from great earthquakes in the Cascadia subduction zone, Vancouver Island, B.C., Washington, Oregon, and northernmost California / 1997
Estuarine and coastal modeling : proceedings of the 2nd international conference / 1992
Estuarine and coastal modeling : proceedings of the 4th international conference : October 26-28, 1995, San Diego, California / 1996
Estuarine and coastal modeling : proceedings of the 5th international conference, October 22-24, 1997, Alexandria, Virginia / 1998
Estuarine and coastal modeling : proceedings of the conference / 1990
Estuarine and coastal modeling : proceedings of the seventh international conference, November 5-7, 2001, St. Petersburg, Florida / 2002
Estuarine and coastal modeling : proceedings of the tenth international conference, November 5-7, 2007, Newport, Rhode Island / 2008
Estuarine and coastal modeling III : proceedings of the 3rd international conference / 1994
Estuary and coastline hydrodynamics 1966
Final report on the role of boat wakes in shore erosion in Anne Arundel County, Maryland 1980
Global coastal change / 2006
Great Lakes coastal erosion research needs : workshop summary : July 8 and 9, 1987, Ann Arbor, Michigan / 1988
Greenhouse effect and sea level rise : a challenge for this generation / 1984
Greenhouse effect, sea level rise, and barrier islands : case study of Long Beach Island, New Jersey / 2004
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