Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 18
Showing: Items 1 - 18
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Coal fired power plants Environmental aspects United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
1998 compliance report : Acid Rain Program / 1999
A statistical study of coal sulfur variability and related factors / 1980
Assessment of mercury health risks to adults from coal combustion / 1994
Control of mercury emissions from coal-fired electric utility boilers : interim report, including errata dated 3-21-02 / 2002
Electric utility steam generating units : background information for promulgated emission standards / 1979
EPA LIMB development and demonstration program status report (April 1985) / 1987
Evaluation of nitrogen oxide emissions data from TVA coal-fired boilers / 1992
Extraction procedure and utility industry solid waste : final report 1981
Field and laboratory studies for the development of effluent standards for the steam electric power industry / 1978
Final report on mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants Michigan Mercury Electric Utility Workgroup. 2005
Four corners regional study : draft, impact of the Clean Air Act since 1970, phase I, task 9 1980
Guidelines for determining best available retrofit technology for coal-fired power plants and other existing stationary faciliites. 1980
Impact of switching to low sulfur coal on particulate emissions / 1977
N2O field study (final report) / 1989
N2O field study / 1989
N2O field study / 1989
Risk-cost assessment methodology for toxic pollutants from fossil fuel power plants 1983
Struggling for air : power plants and the "war on coal" / 2016

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