Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Coal liquids)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Compendium of reported physical and chemical characterization data for petroleum and synthetic fuel products. Volume II, Direct coal liquefaction products / 1982
Catalyst evaluation for denitrogenation of petroleum residua and coal liquids / 1978
Compendium of reported physical and chemical characterization data for petroleum and synthetic fuel products. {MICROFICHE direct coal liquefaction products / 1984
Evaluation of pollution control in fossil fuel conversion processes : analytical test plan / 1975
Final best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for coking wastes, K141-K145, K147, and K148 / 1994
Fuel Contaminants: Volume 1. Chemistry. 1976
Fuel Contaminants: Volume 2. Removal Technology Evaluation. 1976
Fuel Contaminants: Volume 3. Control of Coal-related Pollutants. 1979
Impact of coal and oil shale products on gasoline composition, 1976-2000 : task one : final report / 1976
Literature survey of emissions associated with emerging energy technologies / 1977
SASOL, South Africa's oil from coal story : background for environmental assessment / 1980
Technical manual for the analysis of fuels / 1977

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