Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 27
Showing: Items 1 - 27
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Clinical Laboratory Techniques)

Select Item Title Year Published
A concise review of clinical laboratory science / 2010
American laboratory. 1969
At the bench : a laboratory navigator / 2005
Clinical laboratory statistics / 1979
Coagulation disorders : quality in laboratory diagnosis / 2011
Delmar's manual of laboratory and diagnostic tests : organized by type of test / 2010
Emergency response. 1995
Essentials of clinical laboratory science / 2011
Gradwohl's Clinical laboratory methods and diagnosis / 1980
Henry's clinical diagnosis and management by laboratory methods. 2007
Hepatitis C methods and protocols / 2009
Interpretation of diagnostic tests / 2000
Kidney research : experimental protocols / 2009
Laboratory mathematics : medical and biological applications / 1997
Laboratory medicine : the diagnosis of disease in the clinical laboratory / 2010
Laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures : with nursing diagnoses / 2013
Manual of clinical laboratory procedures. 1970
Methods in toxicology. 1970
Microscopic haematology : a practical guide for the laboratory / 2011
Mosby's diagnostic and laboratory test reference / 2017
Mosby's manual of diagnostic and laboratory tests / 2014
Quality assurance in the pathology laboratory : forensic, technical, and ethical aspects / 2011
Radionuclide hazards. 1995
Textbook of diagnostic microbiology / 2011
The protein protocols handbook / 1996
Verification and validation of procedures in the clinical microbiology laboratory / 2009
Wallach's interpretation of diagnostic tests. 2011

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