Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Climatic changes Social aspects)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Abrupt impacts of climate change : anticipating surprises / 2013
Analyses of the effects of global change on human health and welfare and human systems : final report, synthesis and assessment product 4.6 : report by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research / 2008
Building a resilient tomorrow : how to prepare for the coming climate disruption / 2020
Climate change 1995 : economic and social dimensions of climate change / 1996
Climate change : a wicked problem : complexity and uncertainty at the intersection of science, economics, politics and human behavior / 2016
Climate change : what it means for us, our children, and our grandchildren / 2014
Climate change and society : consequences of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide / 1981
Climate change and society : sociological perspectives / 2015
Climate change and tradition in a small island state : the rising tide / 2013
Climate change biological and human aspects / [electronic resource] : 2007
Climate change economics and policy : an RFF anthology / 2001
Climate Change Governance and Adaptation : Case Studies from South Asia / 2018
Climate change in prehistory : the end of the reign of chaos / 2005
Climate change, 1995 : impacts, adaptations, and mitigation of climate change: scientific-technical analyses : contribution of working group II to the second assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / 1996
Climate crisis the societal impacts associated with the 1982-83 worldwide climate anomalies / 1987
Climate management issues : economics, sociology, and politics / 2012
Climate mandate 1979
Climate migration and security : securitisation as a strategy in climate change politics / 2015
Climate of hope : how cities, businesses, and citizens can save the planet / 2017
Confronting climate change in the Great Lakes region : impacts on our communities and ecosystems / 2003
Describing socioeconomic futures for climate change research and assessment : report of a workshop / 2010
Disentangling migration and climate change : methodologies, political discourses and human rights / 2013
Don't even think about it : why our brains are wired to ignore climate change / 2015
Fourth National Climate Assessment. Volume II, Impacts, risks, and adaptation in the United States. 2018
Human choice and climate change : the societal framework / 1998
Infoterra man and the atmosphere, climate change, ozone layer : sources of information and bibliography / 1987
Introduction to the economics of climate change policy 2000
Is science enough? : forty critical questions about climate justice / 2022
Low carbon diet : a 30-day program to lose 5,000 pounds / 2006
Making climate forecasts matter 1999
Managing the climate crisis : assessing our risks, options, and prospects / 2016
Natural decadal climate variability : societal impacts / 2017
Nomad century : how climate migration will reshape our world / 2022
Overheated : the human cost of climate change / 2014
Overheated : the human cost of climate change / 2013
Report of the first U.S.-Canada Symposium on Impacts of Climate Change on the Great Lakes Basin 1989
Research and networks for decision support in the NOAA Sectoral Applications Research Program / 2008
RFF guide to climate change economics and policy. 2003
Societal responses to regional climatic change forecasting by analogy / 1988
Successful adaptation to climate change : linking science and policy in a rapidly changing world / 2013
The climate casino : risk, uncertainty, and economics for a world warming / 2013
The Colorado River Basin and climatic change : the sensitivity of streamflow and water supply to variations in temperature and precipitation / 1993
The economic, social and political elements of climate change [electronic resource] / 2010
The environmental advantages of cities : countering commonsense antiurbanism / 2013
The future we choose : surviving the climate crisis / 2020
The Impact of Climate Change on Our Life The Questions of Sustainability / [electronic resource] : 2018
The mad, mad, mad world of climatism : mankind and climate change mania / 2013
The ravaging tide : strange weather, future Katrinas, and the coming death of America's coastal cities / 2006
The role of substitution in understanding the costs of climate change policy / 2000
The uninhabitable earth : life after warming / 2019
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