Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Clay)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A citizen's guide to soil washing. 1992
A field permeability test for compacted clay liners / 1984
A study of the efficiency of the use of pesticides in agriculture : final report / 1975
Abiotic Organic Reactions at Mineral Surfaces. 1986
Adsorption of cesium on clay minerals / 1962
Adsorption of Organic Cations to Natural Materials. 1990
Advanced chemical methods for soil and clay minerals research : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at the University of Illinois, Urbana, U.S.A., July 23-August 4, 1979 1980
Aggregation of Clay Minerals and Marine Microalgal cells: Physicochemical Theory and Implications for Controlling Harmful Algal Blooms. 2001
An evaluation of tailings ponds sealants / 1974
An exploratory study : assessment of modeled dioxin exposure in ceramic art studios / 2008
An exploratory study : assessment of modeled dioxin exposure in ceramic art studios. 2008
An introduction to clay colloid chemistry : for clay technologists, geologists, and soil scientists / 1977
Applied clay mineralogy. 1962
Atlas of infrared spectroscopy of clay minerals and their admixtures / 1976
Atlas of Pennsylvania's mineral resources. 1964
Attenuation of pollutants in municipal landfill leachate by clay minerals / 1978
Baseline Sediment Characteristics and Sedimentation Patterns on the Virginia Portion of the Chesapeake Bay. 1983
Basic geologic and ground water data for Clay County, Minnesota. 1960
Bentonite clay : environmental properties and applications / 2015
Best Management Practices for Sediment Control and Water Clarity Enhancement. 2006
Bloating characteristics of east Texas clays, 1965
Botanical and Ecological Inventory of Peatland Sites on the Shoshone National Forest 2003
Cadmium Speciation in Aquatic-Life Flow-through Bioassay Diluters. 1987
Cation exchange selectivity and mineralogy of soil clay matrials / 1970
Characteristics of Individual Particles at a Rural Site in the Eastern United States. 1986
Characterization of dioxin emissions from sources that use ball clays : emission test report: Unimin Corporation, Gleason, TN. 2010
Chatuge Lake, Towns County, Georgia and Clay County, North Carolina. 1975
Chemical effects of red clays on Western Lake Superior / 1979
Chemical Effects of Red Clays on Western Lake Superior. 1979
Chemistry and physics of clays and allied ceramic materials, 1971
Chemistry of clay-organic reactions 1974
Chemistry of clays and clay minerals 1987
Clay and clay-size mineral composition of the Cretaceous-Tertiary section, test well Je32-04, central Delaware 1988
Clay and shale resources of Madison, Monroe, and St. Clair Counties, Illinois / 1971
Clay County soils, 1911
Clay liners for waste management facilities design, construction, and evaluation / 1990
Clay mineral stability and water composition / 1969
Clay mineralogy 1968
Clay mineralogy : spectroscopic and chemical determinative methods / 1994
Clay minerals 1981
Clay minerals for petroleum geologists and engineers 1988
Clay minerals. 1965
Clay pipe engineering manual. 1990
Clay resources of Louisiana: test data and evaluation of miscellaneous clays, 1967
Clay sedimentology 1989
Clay-water interface and its rheological implications / 1992
Clays and clay minerals : proceedings of the ... National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals. 1953
Clays and clay minerals. 1965
Clays of West Virginia, 1973
Collapsing soils and their clay mineralogy in Tucson / 1982
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