Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 114
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Civil Service United States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1996 Federal personnel guide : employment, pay, benefits, civil service, postal service. 1996
2002 Federal personnel guide 2002
2003 Federal personnel guide / 2003
2008 federal manager's guide. 2008
2009 federal manager's guide. 2009
2010 retired federal employees handbook / 2010
2015 federal manager's guide / 2015
2018 FERS retirement planning : guide for federal employees & retirees / 2017
2019 FERS retirement planning guide for federal employees & retirees / 2019
A guide for state certification of wastewater facilities personnel : the report on a study of state programs to certify personnel in water pollution control facilities / 1973
A guide for state certification of wastewater facilities personnel; the report on a study of state programs to certify personnel in water pollution control facilities. 1973
A guide to federal sector labor arbitration, 1979-1991 / 1991
A human resources guide for supervisors / 1999
Alternative work schedules experiment : Congressional oversight needed to avoid likely failure : report to the Congress 1980
Applying the best to government! : improving the management of human resources in the federal government through a private-public partnership / 1987
Appraisal involvemnt management (AIM) / 0
Biography of an ideal : a history of the federal civil service. 2003
Book of answers for Federal employees & retirees 2002
Book of answers for Federal employees & retirees 2003
Book of answers for Federal employees & retirees. 0
Breaking through the glass ceiling : a career guide for women in government / 1992
Career counseling for women in the Federal government : a handbook / 1975
Career opportunities in the Environmental Protection Agency. 1978
Career transition : a guide for federal employees in a time of turmoil / 1996
Civil service reform : where it stands today ; report to the Congress 1980
Civilian personnel law manual Title IV : relocation. 1989
Civilian personnel law manual. 1989
EEO and the federal supervisor / 2009
Federal benefits handbook {electronic resource} / 2001
Federal civil service law and procedures : a basic guide / 1984
Federal civil service law and procedures a basic guide / 1990
Federal employees almanac 1995 1995
Federal employees almanac 1997 1997
Federal employees almanac 1998. 1998
Federal employees almanac 2002. 2002
Federal employees almanac 2004. 2004
Federal employees almanac 2010. 2010
Federal employees almanac 2011. 2011
Federal employees almanac 2017. 2016
Federal employees almanac. 1954
Federal employees career transition handbook / 2003
Federal employees news digest. 1991
Federal manager's guide to EEO 1991
Federal manager's guide to preventing sexual harassment 1991
Federal manager's handbook 2006
Federal manager's handbook. 2010
Federal manager's handbook. 2007
Federal manager's survival guide : what you need to know about managing personnel. 1992
Federal managers and EEO how to avoid being implicated in an EEO complaint and what to do if you are / 1983
Federal merit systems ... year book. 1996
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