Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Civil Defense)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Application of modern toxicology approaches for predicting acute toxicity for chemical defense / 2015
Are you ready? : an in-depth guide to citizen preparedness. 2004
Areas around nuclear facilities should be better prepared for radiological emergencies report to the Congress / 1979
Army science and technology for homeland security. 2004
Bioterrorism : information on jurisdictions' expenditure and reported obligation of program funds : report to Congressional requestors / 2005
Bioterrorism : information technology strategy could strengthen federal agencies' abilities to respond to public health emergencies : report to congessional requesters / 2003
Bioterrorism : preparedness varied across state and local jurisdictions : report to congressional committees / 2003
Bioterrorism, preparedness, attack and response 2004
CERT basic training. Instructor guide / 2019
CERT basic training. Participant manual / 2019
CERT train-the-trainer course : instructor guide. 2011
CERT train-the-trainer course. Participant manual. 2011
CERT training videos / 2011
Chemical and biological terrorism : research and development to improve civilian medical response / 1999
Chemical infrastructure protection and homeland security / 2009
Civil defense aspects of municipal water systems including a prototype survey form to provide information on a utility's preparedness to supply water in the early post nuclear attack period / 1966
Civil defense management for sewerage systems : an industrial civil defense handbook / 1969
Community Emergency Response Team. Basic training instructor guide / 2012
Community Emergency Response Team. Basic training participant manual / 2012
Contamination warning systems for water : an approach for providing actionable information to decision-makers / 2005
Economic criteria for relocation / 1989
Employee emergency preparedness guide. 2003
Employee emergency preparedness guide. 2005
Energy infrastructure protection and homeland security / 2010
Environmental instrument package for a civil defense shelter; report. 1964
Equipo de Respuesta a Emergencias Comunitarias : capacitacion basica guia del instructor / 2011
Equipo de Respuesta a Emergencias Comunitarias. Community Emergency Response Team / Capacitacion basica manual del participante = 2012
Facing hazards and disasters : understanding human dimensions / 2006
First responders guide to weapons of mass destruction (WMD) : practical techniques and procedures for responding to a terrorist incendent involving WMD / 2011
Frameworks for higher education in Homeland Security / 2005
Further actions needed to improve emergency preparedness around nuclear powerplants / 1984
Guide to homeland security. 2003
Guidelines for analyzing and managing the security vulnerabilities of fixed chemical sites. 2003
Hitting America's soft underbelly : the potential threat of deliberate biological attacks against the U.S. agricultural and food industry / 2004
Homeland defense journal. 2003
Homeland security : a complete guide to understanding, preventing, and surviving terrorism / 2005
Homeland security : protecting America's targets / 2006
Homeland security : the essentials / 2013
Homeland security scientific expertise. 2003
Homeland Security Strategy. 2004
Improving your community's emergency response : an introduction to disaster planning / 1973
Introduction to homeland security / 2012
Introduction to homeland security / 2005
Jane's chem-bio handbook / 2005
Jane's chem-bio handbook / 2002
Living terrors : what America needs to know to survive the coming bio-terrorist catastrophe / 2000
Manual of protective action guides and protective actions for nuclear incidents. 1980
Mapping the risks : assessing homeland security implications of publicly available geospatial information / 2004
Mathematical sciences' role in homeland security : proceedings of a workshop / 2004
National infrastructure protection plan. 2006
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