Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A real-time measuring device for dense paritculate systems / 1977
Advanced Prototype Direct Reading Instrument for Particulate Mass Measurement. 1974
Alternative technologies for making holes conductive : cleaner technologies for printed wiring board manufacturers / 1998
Alternative technologies for surface finishing : cleaner technologies for printed wiring board manufacturers. 2001
An instrument for simultaneous monitoring NOx and SO2 in stationary sources / 1973
Applications of linear integrated circuits 1975
Approach to a Modular System-Oriented Discharge-Charge Controller for Automated Power-Source Evaluation. 1971
Aqueous and semi-aqueous alternatives for CFC-113 and methyl chloroform cleaning of printed circuit board assemblies / 1991
Aqueous and semi-aqueous alternatives for CFC-113 and methyl chloroform cleaning of printed circuit board assemblies ICOLP Technical Committee; Stephen Greene ... {et al.}; Stephen O. Andersen, / 1994
Auto-answer circuit design for an Anderson Jacobson AD 342 modem / 1978
Automatic organic monitoring system for storm and combined sewers / 1975
Basic electronic circuits; a basic training manual developed by a special electronics training investigation team of the Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers working in conjunction with Technical Training Command of the Royal Air Force and Decca Radar Limited. 1965
Calibration of an Arbitrary Six-Port Junction for Measurement of Active and Passive Circuit Parameters. 1973
Carbon-black dispersion preplating technology for printed wire board manufacturing : final technology evaluation report / 1993
Case studies of existing treatment applied to hazardous waste banned from landfill, Phase II : summary of waste minimization case study results, final report / 1986
Charge-transfer devices in spectroscopy / 1994
Design and Construction of a Laser Meter for the Measurement of CW Irradiance at 632.8 Nanometers. 1970
Design for the Environment : printed wiring board project, making the connection / 1998
Design for the Environment : printed wiring board project, making the connection. 1995
Design for the Environment : printed wiring board project, publications. 1998
Design for the Environment printed wiring board case study 1 : pollution prevention work practices. 1995
Design for the Environment printed wiring board case study 2 : on-site etchant regeneration. 1995
Design for the Environment printed wiring board case study 3 : opportunities for acid recovery and management. 1996
Design for the Environment printed wiring board case study 4 : plasma desmear: a case study. 1996
Design for the Environment printed wiring board case study 5 : a continuous-flow system for reusing microetchant. 1996
Design for the Environment printed wiring board case study 6 : pollution prevention beyond regulated materials. 1997
Design for the Environment printed wiring board case study 7 : Identifying objectives for your envirohnmental management system. 1997
Design for the Environment printed wiring board case study 7 : identifying objectives for your environmental management systems materials. 1997
Design for the Environment printed wiring board case study 8 : building an environmental management system: H-R Industries' experience. 1997
Design for the Environment printed wiring board case study 9 : flexible simulation modeling of PWB costs. 1999
Design for the Environment printed wiring board project : a partnership to identify cleaner technologies / 1999
DfE printed wiring board project fact sheet : making the connection. 1996
Digital design with standard MSI and LSI : design techniques for the microcomputer age / 1979
Drinking water distribution systems : assessing and reducing risks / 2006
Electric component cooling alternatives: {microform} compressed air and liquid nitrogen. 1994
Electronic circuits and instrumentation systems. 1963
Electronic circuits: physical principles, analysis, and design 1971
Electronic design with off-the-shelf integrated circuits 1980
Engineering circuit analysis / 1978
Environmental Technology Verification Statement: Ultrasonic Aqueous Cleaning Systems, Smart Sonic, Smart Sonic Corporation 1999
EPA evaluation of the Mesco moisture extraction system under Section 511 of the Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act / 1983
Evaluation of an Electrodialytic Process for Purification of Hexavalent Chromium Solutions. 1994
Evaluation of Applicability of Inspection/Maintenance Tests on a Ford EEC-II Prototype. 1979
Evaluation of five waste minimization technologies at the General Dynamics Pomona Division plant / 1992
Federal environmental regulations affecting the electronics industry / 1995
Flatpack Installation by Single-Probe Reflow Soldering. Final Report. 1971
Flow Soldering and Supporting Processes. Final Report. 1971
Guidebook of electronic circuits; over 3,600 modern electronic circuits, each complete with values of all parts and performance details, organized in 131 logical chapters for quick reference and convenient browsing. 1974
Guidelines for waste reduction and recycling : metal finishing, electroplating, printed circuit board manufacturing / 1989
Guides to pollution prevention : the printed circuit board manufacturing industry. 1990
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