Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 43
Showing: Items 1 - 43
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Chromium Environmental aspects)

Select Item Title Year Published
A literature review on occurrence and methodology for determination of nickel, chromium, manganese, and arsenic species in air / 1984
Air pollution aspects of chromium and its compounds 1969
An in-situ permeable reactive barrier for the treatment of hexavalent chromium and trichloroethylene in ground water / 1999
Behavior of mercury, chromium, and cadmium in aquatic systems / 1977
Biological and environmental aspects of chromium 1982
CHROMAT version 1.1, soil chromium attenuation evaluation model user's manual and technical reference / 1992
Chromium 1984
Chromium / 1974
Chromium : ambient water quality criteria. 1979
Chromium and its compounds 1994
Chromium environmental issues 1997
Chromium in agricultural ecosystems : a bibliography of the literature 1950 through 1971 / 1973
Chromium in the natural and human environments 1988
Chromium update 1984 : environmental and nutritional effects of chromium / 1985
Chromium. 1988
Determination of stable valence states of chromium in aqueous and solid waste matrices : experimental verification of chemical behavior / 1986
Draft toxicological profile for chromium / 2008
Effects of chromium in the Canadian environment / 1976
Effects of chromium, alkali halides, arsenic, asbestos, mercury, cadmium in the Canadian environment: Executive Reports compiled by J.F. Jaworski. 1980
Emission test report : Harbison-Walker refractories, Baltimore, Maryland / 1985
Environmental and nutritional effects of chromium John F. Jaworski. 1985
Environmental impact of chromium : final draft, March 1982 1982
Final report on determination of stable valence states of chromium in aqueous and solid waste matrices : experimental verification of chemical behavior / 1986
Five chemicals alternatives assessment study. Executive summary / 2006
Geochemical controls on chromium occurrence, speciation, and treatability 2004
In situ treatment of soil and groundwater contaminated with chromium : technical resource guide / 2000
Innovative measures for subsurface chromium remediation : source zone, concentrated plume, and dilute plume / 1997
Interaction of heavy metals and biological sewage treatment processes. 1965
Laboratory and field evaluations of a methodology for determining hexavalent chromium emissions from stationary sources : project summary / 1992
Low-level hexavalent chromium treatment options : bench-scale evaluation / 2004
Natural attenuation of hexavalent chromium in ground water and soils / 1994
New regulation controlling air emissions from chromium electroplating and anodizing tanks. 1995
Occurrence survey of boron and hexavalent chromium / 2004
Preliminary air pollution survey of chromium and its compounds : a literature review / 1969
Principles of environmental medicine lecture notes IX : selected exposures - chromium / 1998
Reviews of the environmental effects of pollutants. III, Chromium / 1978
Success in brief : accelerated cleanup at Tri-State Plating. 1993
Success in brief : EPA and state combine tough enforcement with careful oversight. 1993
Success in brief : EPA mobilizes to safeguard community and eliminate chemical waste. 1992
Success in brief : EPA orders incineration of hazardous chemicals. 1993
Success in brief : hazardous waste contributors pay for Fulton Terminals site cleanup. 1993
The effects of hexavalent and trivalent chromium on Nea-n-t-h-e-s -a-r-e-n-a-c-e-o-d-e-n-t-a-t-a (polychaeta: annelida) / 1976
Trace level hexavalent chromium occurrence and analysis / 2013

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