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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Cholinesterase)

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Select Item Title Year Published
24-Hour Control of Body Temperature in the Rat. 2. Diisopropyl Fluorophosphate-Induced Hypothermia and Hyperthermia. 1994
Age-Dependent Changes in Activity of Mallard Plasma Cholinesterases. 1991
Alternate enzymes for use in cholinesterase antagonist monitors : CAM's / 1980
Anticholinesterase Action of Pesticidal Carbamates in the Central Nervous System of Poisoned Fishes. 1977
Appendix E. Analysis of chronic toxicity data and acute chronic ratios (ACRs) in support of deriving chronic HC5s : acetylcholinesterase inhibitors / 2011
Behavioral and Neurochemical Changes in Rats Dosed Repeatedly with Diisopropylfluorophosphate. 1991
Behavioral and neurochemical effects of acute Chlorpyrifos in rats : tolerance to prolonged inhibition of cholinesterase / 1994
Behavioral and Physiological Effects of the Cholinesterase Inhibitor Carbaryl (1-Naphthyl Methylcarbamate). 1972
Behavioral and Physiological Effects of the Cholinesterase Inhibitor Carbaryl (1-Naphthyl Methylcarbamate). 1972
Biochemical changes in humans upon exposure to ozone and exercise / 1979
Biological significance of some metals as air pollutants : part II: mercury / 1978
Biological Variability and the Influence of Stress on Cholinesterase Activity. 1990
Brain Cholinesterase Activity of Bobwhite Acutely Exposed to Chlorpyrifos. 1991
Brain-Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition in a Marine Teleost during Lethal and Sublethal Exposures to 1,2-Dibromo-2,2-dichloroethyl Dimethyl Phosphate (Naled) in Seawater. 1974
CAM-4, a portable warning device for organophosphate hazardous material spills / 1980
Changes in Mallard 'Anas platyrhynchos' Serum Chemistry Due to Age, Sex, and Reproductive Condition. 1990
Characterization of Disulfoton-Induced Behavioral and Neurochemical Effects Following Repeated Exposure. 1993
Chemistry and mode of action of insecticides / 1976
Chemistry and Mode of Action of Insecticides. Phase 2. 1982
Cholinesterase Response and Symptomatology from Exposure to Organic Phosphorus Insecticides. 1953
Cholinesterase-inhibiting insecticides : their impact on wildlife and the environment / 1991
Cholinesterases of Aquatic Animals. 1993
Comparative Toxicity of Azinphos-Methyl to House Mice, Laboratory Mice, Deer Mice, and Gray-Tailed Voles. 1994
Comparison of Cholinesterase Activity, Residue Levels, and Urinary Metabolite Excretion of Rats Exposed to Organophosphorus Pesticides. 1977
Comparison of In vivo Cholinesterase Inhibition in Neonatal and Adult Rats by Three Organophosphorothioate Insecticides. 1991
Comparison of Plasma Cholinesterase Depression Among Workers Occupationally Exposed to Organophosphorus Pesticides as Reported by Various Studies. 1986
Correlation of the Anticholinesterase Activity of a Series of Organophosphates with Their Ability to Compete with Agonist Binding to Muscarinic Receptors. 1993
Critical Study of the Manometric Assay of Cholinesterase in Rat Blood. 1961
Detection of Atypical Cholinesterase by an Automated pH Stat Method, Report of a Family with Both Atypical and Silent Gene Alleles. 1970
Determination of bendiocarb in industrial and municipal wastewaters / 1985
Determination of Cholinesterase by an Automated pH Stat Method. 1967
Determination of Trace Quantities of Anticholinesterase Pesticides in Air and Water. 1973
Determination of Tract Quantities of Anticholinesterase Pesticides. 1973
Diagnostic Problems in Toxicology (Agriculture). 1961
Direct Effect of Paraoxon on Erythrocyte Metabolism as Measured by O2 Uptake. 1971
Dose-Related Inhibition of Brain and Plasma Cholinesterase in Neonatal and Adult Rats Following Sublethal Organophosphate Exposures. 1992
Draft toxicological profile for diazinon / 2006
Draft toxicological profile for guthion / 2006
Dursban Premises Applications and Their Effect on the Cholinesterase Levels of Spraymen. 1969
Eating Systox-Treated Fruit under Controlled Conditions. 1977
Effect of Aerially Applied Malathion on an Urban Population. 1967
Effect of Methyl Parathion on Food Discrimination in Northern Bobwhite ('Colinus virginianus'). 1989
Effects of DDVP Aerosols on Blood Cholinesterase of Fogging Machine Operators. 1959
Effects of Methyl Parathion on Red-Winged Blackbird ('Agelaius phoeniceus') Incubation Behavior and Nesting Success. 1990
Effects of the Duration and Timing of Dietary Methyl Parathion Exposure on Bobwhite Reproduction. 1990
Enzyme-Based Detection of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons. 1984
Enzyme-Immobilization Procedure for the Analysis of Enzyme-Inhibiting Chemicals in Water. 1980
Evaluation of "CAM-1," : a warning device for organophosphate hazardous material spills / 1977
Evaluation of Normal and Organophosphate and Carbamate Insecticide Inhibited Blood Cholinesterase Activity Utilizing Dimethylbutylacetate as a Substrate. 1972
Exposure of Mosquito Control Workers to Fenthion. 1974
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