Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Chloromethanes)

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Select Item Title Year Published
... report of the TSCA Interagency Testing Committee to the Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency. 1978
A survey on research needs on personal samplers for toxic organic compounds / 1980
Addendum to the health assessment document for dichloromethane (methylene chloride) : updated carcinogenicity assessment of dichloromethane (methylene chloride) / 1985
Addendum to the health assessment document for dichloromethane (methylene chloride) : updated carcinogenicity assessment of dichloromethane (methylene chloride). 1985
Ambient water quality criteria for halomethanes / 1980
Amendment to the best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for F006 / 1988
Application of a simple short-term bioassay for the identification of genotoxins from hazardous wastes / 1989
Assess Health Effects Associated with Dichloromethane Methylene Chloride. 1988
Atmospheric persistence of eight air toxics 1987
Biochemical Effects of Three Carcinogenic Chlorinated Methances in Rat Liver. 1989
Causes of death of anesthesiologists from the chloroform era / 1979
Comparative Renal and Hepatotoxicity of Halomethanes: Bromodichloromethane. Bromoform, Chloroform, Dibromochloromethane and Methylene Chloride. 1983
Comparison of solid adsorbent sampling techniques for volatile organic compounds in ambient air {Microfiche} 1985
Compatibility of Organic Solvents with the Microscreen Prophage-Induction Assay: Solvent - Mutagen Interactions. 1991
Control Technology Overview Report: CFC-11 Emissions from Flexible Polyurethane Foam Manufacturing. 1988
Development of a Breadboard CO2 Laser Photoacoustic Toxic Vapor Monitor. 1988
Economic impact analysis of anticipated hazardous waste regulations on the industrial organic chemicals, pesticides, and explosives industries / 1978
Economic impact analysis of proposed testing regulations for chloromethane and chlorobenzenes / 1980
Effect of Solvent and Extraction Methods on the Bacterial Mutagenicity of Sidestream Cigarette Smoke. 1987
Environmental monitoring near industrial sites : brominated chemicals / 1978
Environmental Monitoring Near Industrial Sites: Brominated Chemicals. Part II: Appendix. 1978
Evaluation of a Teflon Helix Liquid-Liquid Extractor for Concentration of Trace Organics from Water into Methylene Chloride (Journal Version). 1987
Evaluation of emission test methods for halogenated hydrocarbons. Volume II, CH2Cl2, CH3CCl3, CF2ClCFCl2, and CH2BrCH2Br / 1980
Evaluation of Modifications to Extraction Procedures Used in Analysis of Environmental Samples from Superfund Sites. 1989
Evaluation of Polyester and Metallized-Polyethylene Films for Chemical Protective Clothing Applications. 1990
Evaluation of Selected Gaseous Halocarbons for Use in Source Test Performance Audits. 1983
Evaluation of Techniques Used in the Preparation of Diesel Extract Samples for Mutagenicity Studies. 1986
Flexible urethane foams and chlorofluorocarbon emissions : a support document for economic implications of regulating chlorofluorocarbon emissions from nonaerosol applications. 1980
Gas Chromatographic Determination of Aviation Gasoline and JP-4 Jet Fuel in Subsurface Core Samples (Journal Version). 1988
Great Smoky Mountains preliminary study for biosphere reserve pollutant monitoring / 1979
Halomethanes: Ambient Water Quality Criteria. 1978
Hazardous Air Pollutants: Wet Removal Rates and Mechanisms. 1984
Health assessment document for dichloramethane; review draft. 1983
Health assessment document for dichloromethane (methylene chloride) : final report. 1985
Health assessment document for dichloromethane (methylene chloride). 1983
Health assessment document for dichloromethane (methylene chloride). 1982
Health effects assessment for methylene chloride / 1984
Health effects assessment for methylene chloride. 1989
Impact of pharmacokinetics on the risk assessment of dichloromethane 1988
Investigation of selected potential environmental contaminants : monohalomethanes : final report / 1977
Isolating organic water pollutants: XAD resins, urethane foams, solvent extraction / 1975
Metabolic Activation of 3-(2-Chloroethoxy)-1,2-Dichloropropene: A Mutagen Structurally Related to Diallate, Triallate, and Sulfallate. 1985
Microbial Degradative Activity in Ground Water at a Chemical Waste Disposal Site. 1993
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Priority Pollutant Analysis: Final Report. 1982
Organic chemical manufacturing : selected processes / 1980
Ozone for Trace Organic Contaminant Removal. 1990
Preliminary report of EPA efforts to replace freon for the determination of oil and grease. 1993
Priority pollutant removal from mine drainage / 1980
Quantification of Toxicological Effects for Dichloromethane. 1990
Quantification of toxicological effects for dichloromethane. 1992
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