Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 26
Showing: Items 1 - 26
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Chlorine Physiological effect)

Select Item Title Year Published
Acute toxic effects of chlorinated primary sewage effluent on Brook trout and Brown trout : Manchester, Vermont, Batten Kill River / 1979
Assessment of the effects of chlorinated seawater from power plants on aquatic organisms / 1978
Chemistry and effects of chlorine in aquatic systems : a selected, annotated bibliography / 1976
Chlorinated hydrocarbons : insecticide versus carcinogenic action / 1983
Chlorinated municipal waste toxicities to rainbow trout and fathead minnows / 1971
Chlorination by-products production and control / 1986
Coronaries, cholesterol, chlorine 1969
Design optimization of the chlorination process / 1980
Effect of chlorine dioxide, chlorite, and nitrite on mice with low and high levels of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) in their erythrocytes / 1981
Effects and fate of sewage chlorination products in phytoplankton / 1979
Effects of chlorine and sulfite reduction on Lake Michigan invertebrates / 1976
Effects of chlorine on freshwater fish under various time and chemical conditions : toxicity of chlorine to freswater fish / 1982
Formation and distribution of organic N-chloramines from the ingestion of chlorinated drinking water / 1988
Formation and distribution of organic N-chloramines from the ingestion of chlorinated drinking water / 1987
Inactivation of solids-associated virus by hydrochlorides acid 1976
Investigation of the metabolism of chlorinated hydrocarbons in subhuman species / 1985
Investigation of the metabolism of chlorinated hydrocarbons in subhuman species / 1985
Occupational exposure to chlorine : criteria for a recommended standard. 1976
Stability and effectiveness of chlorine disinfectants in water distribution systems / 1984
Study of chlorine dioxide and its metabolites in man / 1981
The effects of chlorine and heat on selected stream invertebrates / 1974
The effects of intermittent chlorination on ten species of warmwater fish / 1978
The effects of intermittent chlorination on the biota of Lake Michigan / 1977
The effects of intermittent low-level chlorination upon the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica : a field study / 1978
Toxicological profile for chlorine / 2010
Virion aggregation and disinfection of water by chlorine and bromine / 1982

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