Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Chloral)

Select Item Title Year Published
An SAB report : review of drinking water health criteria document : review of the Office of Drinking Water's health criteria document on chlorinated acids/alcohols/aldehydes/ketones / 1991
Behavioral Toxicity of Chloral in Mice: An Approach to Evaluation. 1984
Chloral hydrate / 2000
Effects of Selected Organic Drinking Water Contaminants on Male Reproduction. 1982
Effects of Trichloroethylene and Its Metabolites on Rodent Hepatocyte Intercellular Communication. 1989
Fabrication de Chloral, Deshydratation du Solvant (Manufacturing of Chloral, Dehydration by Means of a Solvent). 1995
Fabrication de chloral, deshydration du solvant = Manufacturing of chloral, dehydration by means of a solvent / 1983
Hepatocarcinogenicity of Chloral Hydrate, 2-Chloroacetaldehyde, and Dichloroacetic Acid in the Male B6C3F1 Mouse. 1992
Initial Submission: Acute Vapor Inhalation Toxicity Study with Chloral in Purebreed Beagles with Cover Letter dated 10/15/1992. 1992
Ninety-Day Toxicity Study of Chloral Hydrate in the Sprague-Dawley Rat. 1992
NTP technical report on the toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of chloral hydrate (CAS no. 302-17-0) in B6C3F1 mice (gavage studies) 2002
Research and development : health and environmental effects document for chloral / 1988
Research and development : health and environmental effects document for chloral / 1988
Spermatid Micronucleus Analyses of Trichloroethylene and Chloral Hydrate Effects in Mice. 1994
Toxicological review of chloral hydrate (CAS No. 302-17-0) in support of summary information on the integrated risk information system (IRIS) / {electronic resource} : 2000

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