Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Child welfare)

Select Item Title Year Published
A breath of air : what pollution is doing to our children = Al respirar aire : como afecta la contaminacion a nuestros hijos. 2004
America's children : key national indicators of well-being, 2005. 2005
America's children and the environment : a first view of available measures. 2000
America's children and the environment : measures of contaminants, body burdens, and illnesses. 2003
Assessment of Existing Linkages with Local Communities Among Potential Research Sites for the National Children's Study. Final Report and White Paper. 2004
Children's environmental health : reducing risk in a dangerous world / 2000
Children's health, 1996 1998
Children's health, the nation's wealth : assessing and improving child health / 2004
Environmental health threats to children / 1996
Facing up to the future : what do today's children need from us now? : 2008 annual report. 2008
Inheriting the world : the atlas of children's health and the environment / 2004
Lessons learned : from the ... CityMatch Urban MCH Leadership Conference. 1996
Trends in children's health and the role of chemicals : state of the science review. 2005
Trends in the well-being of America's children and youth 1996
Welfare to work 1997
Welfare to work : executive summary. 1997

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