Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 63
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Select Item Title Year Published
1987 Chesapeake Bay Agreement : final draft. 1987
A better way to grow : for more livable communities and a healthier Chesapeake Bay. 1996
A Commitment renewed : restoration progress and the course ahead under the 1987 Bay agreement. 1988
A comprehensive list of Chesapeake Bay basin species 1997 / 1997
A comprehensive list of Chesapeake Bay basin species 2007 / 2007
A probabilistic ecological risk assessment of tributyltin in the Chesapeake Bay watershed : final report / 1998
A screening level probabilistic ecological risk assessment of copper and cadmium in the Chesapeake Bay watershed : final report / 1997
Agriculture and phosphorus management : the Chesapeake Bay / 2000
Ammonia and the Chesapeake Bay Airshed / 1997
Analyzing nonpoint source water pollution problems : nutrient control policies in the Chesapeake Bay states / 1997
Animal Nutrition Technology Exchange : a conference developed by the Agricultural Nutrient Reduction Workgroup of the Chesapeake Bay Program's Nutrient Subcommittee. 2000
Application of spatially referenced regression modeling for the evaluation of total nitrogen loading in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed / 1999
Bay-B-C's : a multidisciplinary approach to teaching about the Chesapeake Bay / 2001
Chesapeake Bay : introduction to an ecosystem / 1997
Chesapeake Bay : introduction to an ecosystem. 2000
Chesapeake Bay : introduction to an ecosystem. 2004
Chesapeake Bay : introduction to an ecosystem. 1995
Chesapeake Bay atmospheric deposition study : phase I--July 1990-June 1991 / 1992
Chesapeake Bay atmospheric deposition study : phase I: July 1990 - June 1991 / 1994
Chesapeake Bay citizen monitoring program report : July 1985-October 1988 / 1989
Chesapeake Bay citizen monitoring program report Conestoga River : (October 1986 - June 1990). 1992
Chesapeake Bay Citizen Monitoring Program Report. Appendix 2. Data Listing by Site. July 1985-October 1988. 1989
Chesapeake Bay communities : making the connection : [a catalog of local initiatives to protect and restore the Chesapeake Bay Watershed]. 1995
Chesapeake Bay habitat restoration : a framework for action / 1995
Chesapeake Bay restoration and protection plan / 1985
Chesapeake Bay watershed model application and calculation of nutrient and sediment loadings : Appendix A: Phase IV Chesapeake Bay model hydrology calibration results / 1998
Chesapeake Bay watershed model application and calculation of nutrient and sediment loadings : appendix B : phase IV Chesapeake Bay watershed model water quality results / 1998
Chesapeake Bay watershed model application and calculation of nutrient and sediment loadings : appendix F : point source loadings / 1998
Chesapeake Bay watershed model application and calculation of nutrient and sediment loadings : appendix H : tracking best management practice nutrient reductions in the Chesapeake Bay Program / 1998
Chesapeake Bay watershed model application and calculation of nutrient and sediment loadings : appendix I : phase IV chesapeake Bay Watershed model operations manual / 1998
Chesapeake Bay, a framework for action / 1983
Comprehensive list of Chesapeake Bay Basin species 1998 1998
Cost of providing government services to alternative residential patterns / 1993
Crop selection, tillage practices, and chemical and nutrient applications in two regions of the Chesapeake Bay watershed 1992
Development of a provisional physical habitat index for Maryland freshwater streams 1999
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program : Chesapeake Bay Watershed Pilot Projec project summary / 1994
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program : Chesapeake Bay Watershed Pilot Project : project summary / 1994
Final report of the Riparian Forest Buffer Panel 1996
Final report of the Riparian Forest Buffer Panel / 1996
Forest fragmentation in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed : ecological, economic, policy and law impacts : a professional roundtable series, January 12-16, 1998, Society of American Foresters National Office, Bethesda, Maryland. 1998
Forests for the Bay : a report \ 2000
Ground water issues and solutions in the Potomac River Basin/Chesapeake Bay Region 1989
Implementation plan for removing impediments to migratory fishes in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed : a commitment implementation plan from the Chesapeake Executive Council. 1989
Integrated measures of ambient toxicity and fish community diversity : urbanizing watersheds / 1995
Land and the Chesapeake Bay 2000
Land use for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model / 1990
Maryland's tributary teams annual report. 0
Monitoring nutrients in the major rivers draining to Chesapeake Bay / 1999
Perspectives on Chesapeake Bay : nitrogen dynamics in forested lands of the Chesapeake Basin / 1996
Pollution prevention workbook : a waste reduction guide for facilities in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. 2002
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