Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 49
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Chemotherapy)

Select Item Title Year Published
2019 Lippincott pocket drug guide for nurses / 2019
Antineoplastic agents 1984
Basis for cancer management 1996
Bone resorption, metastasis, and diphosphonates 1985
British journal of pharmacology and chemotherapy. 1946
Cancer and vitamin C : a discussion of the nature, causes, prevention, and treatment of cancer with special reference to the value of vitamin C / 1979
Cancer chemotherapy and biotherapy : principles and practice / 2011
Carcinogenicity of alkylating cytostatic drugs proceedings of a symposium organized by IARC and the German Cancer Research Centre, held at the German Cancer Research Centre, Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany, 25-27 November 1985 / 1986
Central adrenaline neurons : basic aspects and their role in cardiovascular functions : proceedings of an international symposium held at the Wenner-Gren Center, Stockholm, August 27-28, 1979 1980
Chemistry in medicine : the legacy and the responsibility : a study 1977
Chemotherapy of malaria report of a technical meeting. 1961
Clinical pharmacokinetics : concepts and applications / 1995
Conference on the Use of BCG in Therapy of Cancer. 1974
Drug facts and comparisons. 1982
Drug-acceptor interactions : modeling theoretical tools to test and evaluate experimental equilibrium effects / 2017
Endocrinology of cancer 1979
Goodman & Gilman's the pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 2001
Goodman & Gilman's the pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 1996
Goodman and Gilman's The pharmacological basis of therapeutics / 1985
Handbook of drugs and chemicals used in the treatment of fish diseases : a manual of fish pharmacology and materia medica / 1979
Health risks : the challenge of informing the public / 1984
Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators : background information for promulgated standards and guidelines - summary of public comments and responses / 1997
Inflammatory diseases and copper : the metabolic and therapeutic roles of copper and other essential metalloelements in humans 1982
Inorganic and nutritional aspects of cancer : proceedings of the first conference of the International Association of Bioinorganic Scientists, inc. held in La Jolla, California, January 3-5, 1977 1978
Inorganic chemistry in biology and medicine : based on a symposium / 1980
Morphological Transformation and Chromosome Damage by Amsacrine in C3H/10T(1/2) Clone 8 Cells. 1986
Mutagenic Agents. 1984
Novel approaches in cancer therapy 1987
Opioids in mental illness : theories, clinical observations, and treatment possibilities / 1982
Pharmacokinetic basis for drug treatment 1984
Rang and Dale's pharmacology / 2020
Recombinant bovine growth hormone FDA approval should be withheld until the mastitis issue is resolved : report to Congressional requesters / 1992
Regression analysis of survival data in cancer chemotherapy 1983
Roach's introductory clinical pharmacology / 2018
Second Conference on Antiviral Substances. 1970
Selective toxicity the physico-chemical basis of therapy / 1979
Selective toxicity the physico-chemical basis of therapy / 1985
Selective toxicity; the physico-chemical basis of therapy. 1973
Serum Organochlorine Pesticides in Mentally Retarded Patients on Differing Drug Regimens. 1971
Side effects of medical cancer therapy : prevention and treatment / 2013
Some antiviral and antineoplastic drugs, and other pharmaceutical agents. 2000
Steroid receptors and the management of cancer 1979
Structure-activity relationships of anti-tumour agents 1983
The Harriet Lane handbook of pediatric antimicrobial therapy / 2009
Theoretical foundations of cancer chemotherapy introduced by computer models 1992
Third Conference on Antiviral Substances : {papers} / 1977
Third international symposium, cancer therapy by hyperthermia, drugs, and radiation : a symposium held at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, June 22-26, 1980 ; Sponsored by the National Cancer Institute ... {et al.} 1982
Understanding the benefits and risks of pharmaceuticals : workshop summary / 2007
Waiting for treatment : timely equitable access to drugs for metastatic breast cancer / 2015

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