Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 5425
Showing: Items 401 - 450
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Chemistry)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Annual review of analytical chemistry. 2008
Annual review of biochemistry. 1932
Annual review of biophysics and biophysical chemistry. 1985
Annual Review of Literature on Water Pollution (1954). 1955
Annual review of physical chemistry. 1950
Anthropogenic compounds / 1980
Antimony removal technology for mining industry wastewaters / 1979
Appendix to northeast corridor regional modeling project : determination of organic species profiles for gasoline liquids and vapors : sampling and analysis data sheets / 1980
Applicability of reduction to sulfur techniques to the development of new processes for removing SO2 from flue gases : final report for ... National Air Pollution Control Administration, U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare. 1969
Applicability of Reduction to Sulfur Techniques to the Development of New Processes for Removing SO2 from Flue Gases. Volume I. 1969
Application of a 1-D heat budget model to the Columbia river system / 2001
Application of a semianalytical model to TNT transport in laboratory soil columns 1998
Application of biological markers to carcinogen testing / 1983
Application of Fourier transform spectroscopy to air pollution problems / 1980
Application of MINTEQA2 to the Speciation of Contaminants at Globe, Arizona. 1992
Application of negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry to the analysis of bovine tissue for chlorodibenzo-p-dioxins and related compounds. 1977
Application of programmed learning techniques to water chemistry 1968
Application of short-term bioassays in the fractionation and analysis of complex environmental mixtures 1979
Application of short-term bioassays in the fractionation and analysis of complex environmental mixtures / 1978
Application of surface complexation models for radionuclide adsorption sensitivity analysis of model input parameters / 1990
Application of the Models-3 Community Multi-Scale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model System to SOS/Nashville 1999. 2003
Application of VOST and SemiVOST to Nonhalogenated CAAA Compounds. 1995
Applications of absorption spectroscopy of organic compounds 1965
Applications of analytical chemistry to oceanic carbon cycle studies 1993
Applications of Biotechnology in Cardiovascular Therapeutics [electronic resource] / 2011
Applications of dynamic NMR spectroscopy to organic chemistry / 1985
Applications of environmental aquatic chemistry : a practical guide / 2008
Applications of environmental aquatic chemistry : a practical guide / 2013
Applications of environmental chemistry : a practical guide for environmental professionals / 2000
Applications of inorganic mass spectrometry 2001
Applications of lasers to industrial chemistry : January 24-25, 1984, Los Angeles, California 1984
Applications of LC-MS in environmental chemistry 1996
Applications of molecular biology in environmental chemistry / 1995
Applications of NMR spectroscopy in organic chemistry illustrations from the steroid field 1964
Applications of photochemistry in probing biological targets / 1980
Applications of Plant Metabolic Engineering [electronic resource] / 2007
Applications of reference materials in analytical chemistry / 2001
Applications of reverse osmosis to acid mine drainage treatment / 1973
Applied Biochemistry and Biotecnology The Twenty-Eighth Symposium Proceedings of the Twenty-Eight Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals Held April 30-May 3, 2006, in Nashville, Tennessee / [electronic resource] : 2007
Applied chemical and isotopic groundwater hydrology 1991
Applied chemical hydrogeology 2001
Applied environmental geochemistry / 1983
Applied inorganic analysis; with special reference to the analysis of metals, minerals, and rocks, 1953
Appraisal of tests to predict the environmental behaviour of chemicals / 1985
Approach for Development of Structure-Biodegradation Relationships of Organic Chemicals. 1988
Approach to the Design of Nonmutagenic Azo Dyes: Analogs of the Mutagens CI Direct Black 17. 1990
Approaches to scaling of trace gas fluxes in ecosystems 1999
APTI correspondence course 482 : sources and control of volatile organic air pollutants : regulatory documents updates and NSPS regulations / 1984
Aquatic chemical kinetics : reaction rates of processes in natural waters / 1990
Aquatic chemistry : an introduction emphasizing chemical equilibria in natural waters / 1981
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