Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Chemistry Analytic Statistical methods)

Select Item Title Year Published
Chemometrics : a textbook / 1988
Chemometrics chemical and sensory data / 1990
Chemometrics in environmental analysis / 1997
Chemometrics in environmental chemistry : statistical methods / 1995
Evaluation and optimization of laboratory methods and analytical procedures : a survey of statistical and mathematical techniques 1978
Experimental design : a chemometric approach 1987
Interpretation of analytical chemical data by the use of cluster analysis 1983
Measurement, statistics, and computation 1987
Practical guide to chemometrics / 1992
Practical statistics for analytical chemists 1987
Statistical manual of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 1975
Statistical methods in analytical chemistry / 2000
Statistical methods in analytical chemistry / 1993
Statistics for analytical chemistry / 1993
Statistics for analytical chemistry / 1988
Statistics for analytical chemists : the practical application of statistical techniques in the laboratory. 1993

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