Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 282
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Chemie)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A German-English dictionary for chemists. 1950
A handbook of decomposition methods in analytical chemistry / 1979
Accounts of chemical research. 1968
Advanced inorganic chemistry / 1988
Advanced inorganic chemistry ; a comprehensive text 1962
Advanced inorganic chemistry. 1999
Advanced organic chemistry 1961
Advanced organic chemistry : reactions, mechanisms, and structure / 1992
Advanced organic chemistry : reactions, mechanisms, and structure / 1985
Advances in inorganic chemistry and radiochemistry. 1959
Air chemistry and radioactivity. 1963
Air composition & chemistry / 1996
An introduction to chemical nomenclature 1968
An introduction to separation science 1973
An introduction to synthesis using organocopper reagents / 1980
An introduction to the chemistry of the sea / 1998
Analysis of pesticides in food and environmental samples / 2008
Analytica chimica acta. 1947
Analytical chemistry : a chemist and laboratory technician's toolkit / 2016
Analytical chemistry handbook / 1995
Analytical chemistry of Bacillus thuringiensis / 1990
Analytical chemistry of polycyclic aromatic compounds / 1981
Analytical chemistry. 1948
Analytical chemistry. 1947
Analytical instrumentation handbook / 1997
Annual reports in medicinal chemistry. 1965
Annual review of analytical chemistry. 2008
Annual review of biophysics and bioengineering. 1972
Annual review of physical chemistry. 1950
Applications of dynamic NMR spectroscopy to organic chemistry / 1985
Applications of environmental aquatic chemistry : a practical guide / 2008
Applied group theory for chemists, physicists and engineers. 1971
Aquatic chemical kinetics : reaction rates of processes in natural waters / 1990
Arsenic : environmental chemistry, health threats, and waste treatment / 2009
Atmospheric chemistry : models and predictions for climate and air quality / 1991
Atmospheric chemistry and physics : from air pollution to climate change / 2006
Atmospheric chemistry and physics : from air pollution to climate change / 1998
Atmospheric degradation of organic substances : data for persistence and long-range transport potential / 2007
Basic concepts of environmental chemistry / 2005
Basic principles of organic chemistry / 1977
Biochemical and organic compounds for research and diagnostic clinical reagents. 0
Bioinformatics : a practical guide to the analysis of genes and proteins / 2001
Bioinformatics : sequence and genome analysis / 2001
Biological effects of low level exposures to chemicals and radiation / 1992
Biophysical chemistry of fractal structures and processes in environmental systems / 2008
Braving the elements 1995
Burger's Medicinal chemistry / 1980
Chemical abstracts. 1907
Chemical communications : Chem comm / 1996
Chemical computations and errors, 1940
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