Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25

Select Item Title Year Published
American chemical industry. 1945
Benzene emissions from maleic anhydride industry : background information for proposed standards / 1980
Benzene emissions from maleic anhydride plants : background information for proposal to withdraw proposed standards / 1984
Chemical dangers in the workplace : thirty-fourth report / 1976
Chemical origins and markets; product flow charts, tables of major organics and inorganics. 1967
Chemistry in the economy; an American Chemical Society study. 1973
Development document for interim final effluent limitations and new source performance standards for the significant organic products segment of the organic chemical manufacturing point source category / 1975
Directory of chemical producers: United States of America. 1971
Economic impact analysis of pollution control technologies for segments of the inorganic chemicals manufacturing industry / 1982
Economic impact analysis of proposed test rule for dichloromethane 1, 1, 1-trichloroethane, and nitobenzene / 1981
Energy consumption : the chemical industry / 1975
Imports of benzenoid chemicals and products. 1974
Information content of premanufacture notices background paper. 1983
Organic chemical manufacturing / 1980
Perspectives on the top 50 production volume chemicals / 1980
Sources and production economics of chemical products, 1979-1980 1979
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) chemical substance inventory : cumulative supplement II to the initial inventory : user guide and indices. 1982
Toxic substances control act : trademarks and product names reported in conjunction with the chemical substance initial inventory. 1979
Toxic substances control act : trademarks and product names reported in conjunction with the chemical substance initial inventory. 1979
Treatability studies for the inorganic chemicals manufacturing point source category / 1980
TSCA chemicals in commerce inventory : regional and state perspectives / 1981
TSCA inspection guidance Office of Compliance Monitoring. 1993
United States high volume production report 1993
VOC emissions from volatile organic liquid storage tanks : background information for promulgated standards / 1987
VOC emissions from volatile organic liquid storage tanks : background information for proposed standards / 1981

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