Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 49
Showing: Items 1 - 49
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Chemical weapons)

Select Item Title Year Published
Analytical chemistry associated with the destruction of chemical weapons 1997
Assessment of the continuing operability of chemical agent disposal facilities and equipment / 2007
Assessment of the fate and effects of toxic agents on water resources : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Advanced Modeling Techniques for Rapid Diagnosis and Assessment of CBRN agents effects on water resources, Istanbul, Turkey, 4-16 December 2005] / 2007
Biological terrorism in the United States : threat, preparedness, and response : final report / 2000
Carbon filtration for reducing emissions from chemical agent incineration / 1999
Chemical Agent Familiarization : Counter Terrorism U.S. EPA Region VIII. 1999
Chemical and biological defense : DOD needs to continue to collect and provide information on tests and potentially exposed personnel : report to the Senate and House committees on Armed Services / 2004
Chemical stockpile disposal concept plan. 1986
Chemical warfare agent (CWA) sea dumping off Australia 2001
Chemical warfare soldiers inadequately equipped and trained to conduct chemical operations : report to congressional requesters / 1991
Chemical weapon stockpile Army's Emergency Preparedness Program has been slow to achieve results : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Environmment, Energy, and Natural Resources, Committee on Government Operations, House of Reopresentatives / 1994
Chemical weapons : Army's Emergency Preparedness Program has financial management weaknesses : report to Congressional requesters / 1995
Chemical weapons : destruction schedule delays and cost growth continue to challenge program management / 2004
Chemical weapons stockpile destruction cost growth and schedule slippages are likely to continue : report to the Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate / 1991
Closure and Johnston Atoll chemical agent disposal system 2002
Communities and chemical warfare materiel disposal / 2007
Complete guide to biological, chemical, and nuclear terrorism. 2001
Defending the U.S. air transportation system against chemical and biological threats / 2006
Disposal of activated carbon from chemical agent disposal facilities / 2009
Effects of degraded agent and munitions anomalies on chemical stockpile disposal operations / 2004
Emergency response handbook for chemical and biological agents and weapons / 2008
Emerging technologies : recommendations for counter-terrorism / 2001
Environmental cleanup : progress in resolving long-standing issues at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal : report to Congressional requesters / 1996
EPA munitions response guidelines / 2010
Evaluation of safety and environmental metrics for potential application at chemical agent disposal facilities / 2009
Handbook of toxicology of chemical warfare agents / 2009
Handbook of toxicology of chemical warfare agents [electronic resource] / 2009
Handbook on the management of munitions response actions : interim final. 2005
Independent assessment of science and technology for the Department of Energy's Defense Environmental Cleanup Program / 2019
Industrial chemicals and terrorism : human health threat analysis, mitigation and prevention / 1999
Interim design assessment for the Blue Grass Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plant 2005
Interim design assessment for the Pueblo Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plant 2004
Johnston Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System (JACADS) final second supplemental environmental impact statement for the storage and ultimate disposal of the European chemical munition stockpile. 1990
Letter report of review and assessment of the proposals for design and operation of designated chemical agent destruction pilot plants (DCAPP-Blue Grass) 2006
Letter report on the Blue Grass Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plant's water recovery system. 2012
Military chemical and biological agents : chemical and toxicological properties / 1987
Monitoring at chemical agent disposal facilities / 2005
Non-stockpile chemical materiel program : survey and analysis report : program manager for non-stockpile chemical material. 1993
Potential applicability of assembled chemical weapons assessment technologies to RCRA waste streams and contaminated media / 2000
Remediation of buried chemical warfare materiel / 2012
Residential shelter-in-place / 2001
Residential shelter-in-place / 2001
Review and evaluation of alternative chemical disposal technologies 1996
Review of chemical agent secondary waste disposal and regulatory requirements / 2007
Review of chemical agent secondary waste disposal and regulatory requirements / 2007
Review of international technologies for destruction of recovered chemical warfare materiel / 2006
The chemical and biological weapons threat / 1995
Transportable Treatment Systems for Non-Stockpile Chemical Warfare Materiel, Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, Executive Summary 2001
US chemical-biological defense guidebook 1997

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