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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Chemical oceanography)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A study of the nutrients in the main basin of Puget Sound / 1977
An application of equilibrium adsorption theory to the chemical dynamics of organic compounds in marine ecosystems. 1976
An introduction to the chemistry of the sea / 1998
Analysis of seawater : a guide for the analytical and environmental chemist / 2006
Analytical methods in oceanography : a symposium sponsored by the Division of Analytical Chemistry at the 168th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlantic City, N.J., September 10-11, 1974 / 1975
Applications of analytical chemistry to oceanic carbon cycle studies 1993
Bio-organic marine chemistry 1987
Biogeochemistry of marine dissolved organic matter / 2002
Biogeochemistry of marine systems 2003
Changing chemistry of the oceans; proceedings. 1972
Chemical oceanography 2006
Chemical oceanography 1975
Chemical oceanography 1992
Chemical oceanography / 1965
Chemical oceanography and the marine carbon cycle / 2008
Chemical oceanography. 1996
Chemical oceanography. An introduction. 1969
Chemical properties 1977
Chemical reference materials : setting the standards for ocean science / 2002
Chemical sensors in oceanography 2000
Chemistry and biochemistry of estuaries 1980
Chemistry of marine sediments / 1977
Chemistry of marine water and sediments / 2002
Chemistry of the atmosphere and oceans 1978
Chemistry, temperature, and secchi disc data for Hatchery Bay, western Lake Erie / 1996
Chlorinated hydrocarbons in the marine environment {microform} : a report. 1971
Chlorinated hydrocarbons in the marine environment, a report. 1971
Climate change and the oceanic carbon cycle : variables and consequences / 2017
CO2 in seawater : equilibrium, kinetics, isotopes / 2001
Contaminant transport from Elliott and Commencement bays 1988
Determination of inorganic phosphate in sea water by a butanol extraction procedure 1953
Distribution and concentration of mercury, lead, cobalt, zinc, and chromium in suspended particulates and bottom sediments : upper Florida Keys, Florida Bay, and Biscayne Bay / 1975
Dynamic processes in the chemistry of the upper ocean 1986
Dynamics of the Bering Sea : a summary of physical, chemical, and biological characteristics, and a synopsis of research on the Bering Sea / 1999
Environmental Problems in Marine Biology : Methodological Aspects and Applications / 2017
Equilibria, nonequilibria, and natural waters 1983
Estimates of trace metal inputs from non-point sources discharging into the marine environment / 1988
Estuarine chemistry 1976
Estuarine physics and chemistry : studies in Long Island Sound 1980
First American-Soviet Symposium on Chemical Pollution of the Marine Environment, Odessa : USSR, May 24 to 28, 1977 / 1978
Index to physical and chemical oceanographic data of Puget Sound and its approaches, 1932-1966 / 1970
Introduction to marine chemistry 1971
Joint Analysis Group, Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill : review of R/V Brooks McCall data to examine subsurface oil / 2011
Lake Michigan chemical data, 1954-55, 1960-61 / 1964
Manual of methods in aquatic environment research. Part I : Methods for detection, measurement and monitoring of water pollution. 1975
Marine and estuarine geochemistry 1985
Marine and freshwater research. 1995
Marine chemistry 1968
Marine chemistry 1972
Marine chemistry : an environmental analytical chemistry approach / 1997
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