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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Chemical mutagenesis)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A study of industrial data on candidate chemicals for testing : Research report no. 1 / 1977
A study of industrial data on candidate chemicals for testing : research request no. 2 / 1978
A study of industrial data on candidate chemicals for testing : research request no. 3/ SRI International ; prepared for United States, Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Toxic Substances ; Project Officer: James Darr. 1978
Assessing chemical mutagens : the risk to humans / 1979
Assessment of the carcinogenicity and mutagenicity of chemicals: report of a WHO Scientific Group. 1974
Basic and applied mutagenesis with special reference to agricultural chemicals in developing countries / 1985
Birth defects among children of racial or ethnic minority born to women living in close proximity to hazardous waste sites : California, 1983-1988. 1999
Chemical carcinogenesis and mutagenesis / 1990
Chemical carcinogens and DNA 1979
Chemical consequences : environmental mutagens, scientist activism, and the rise of genetic toxicology / 2004
Chemical mutagenesis in mammals and man; 1970
Chemical mutagenesis, human population monitoring, and genetic risk assessment : proceedings of the international symposium, held 14-16 October 1980, Ottawa (Canada) 1982
Chemical mutagens : environmental effects on biological systems / 1970
Chemical mutagens. 1971
Chemically-induced DNA damage and repair 1980
Comparative chemical mutagenesis 1981
Environmental chemicals causing cancer and genetic birth defects : developing a strategy to minimize human exposure / 1978
Environmental mutagenesis. 1979
Environmental mutagens : proceedings of the 6. annual meeting of the Europ. Environmental Mutagen Soc., Gernrode (GDR), September 27-October 1, 1976 1977
Environmental mutagens and carcinogens proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Environmental Mutagens, Tokyo, Mishima, and Kyoto, September 21-27, 1981 / 1982
Evaluation of genetic risks of environmental chemicals : report of a symposium held at Skokloster, Sweden, March 11-15, 1972 / 1973
Evaluation of selected pesticides as chemical mutagens 'in vitro' and 'in vivo' studies / 1977
Evaluation of short-term tests for carcinogens : report of the international collaborative program / 1981
Genetic susceptibility to environmental mutagens and carcinogens 1989
Genetic toxicology : an agricultural perspective / 1982
Genetic toxicology of environmental chemicals proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Environmental Mutagens, held in Stockholm, Sweden, June 24-28, 1985 / 1986
Genetic variability in responses to chemical exposure 1984
Genotoxicology of N-nitroso compounds 1984
Guidelines for the testing of chemicals for Mutagenicity 1989
Human genetic risks from exposure to chemicals, focusing on the feasibility of a parallelogram approach : proceedings of the EC/US Workshop on Risk Assessment / 1994
Identifying and estimating the genetic impact of chemical mutagens 1983
Identifying and estimating the genetic impact of chemical mutagens 1982
In vitro metabolic activation in mutagenesis testing : proceedings of the Symposium on the Role of Metabolic Activation in Producing Mutagenic and Carcinogenic Environmental Chemicals, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, February 9-11, 1976 1976
Indicators of genotoxic exposure 1982
Introduction to genetic toxicology 1985
Metabolic activation of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons 1979
Molecular biology of mutagens and carcinogens 1983
Mutagenesis 1978
Mutagenic effects of environmental contaminants a workshop sponsored by the John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. March 29-31, 1971. 1971
Mutagenic effects of environmental contaminants. 1972
Mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, and teratogenicity of industrial pollutants 1984
Mutations in man 1984
Mycotoxin teratogenicity and mutagenicity 1981
Naturally occurring carcinogens-mutagens and modulators of carcinogenesis : proceedings of the 9th international symposium of the Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund Tokyo, 1979 1979
New trends in genetic risk assessment 1989
Occupational monitoring for genetic hazards / 1975
Potential industrial carcinogens and mutagens 1979
Preliminary report on the mutagenicity of carbaryl 1981
Principles of genetic toxicology / 1980
Proceedings of a Workshop on Methodology for Assessing Reproductive Hazards in the Workplace, April 19-22, 1978 1980
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